Cow Fingers and Mosquito Pie (Expanded Edition)
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FormatFLAC Stereo 580 Kbps /
44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Size 233.09 Mb

Cow Fingers and Mosquito Pie (Expanded Edition) '1991

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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Screaming Jay Hawkins - Little Demon
10. Screaming Jay Hawkins - Alligator Wine
11. Screaming Jay Hawkins - Darling, Please Forgive Me
12. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Take Me Back to My Boots and Saddle
13. Screaming Jay Hawkins - Temptation
14. Screaming Jay Hawkins - Frenzy
15. Screaming Jay Hawkins - Person to Person
16. Screaming Jay Hawkins - Little Demon
17. Screaming Jay Hawkins - I Put a Spell On You
18. Screaming Jay Hawkins - There's Something Wrong With You
19. Screaming Jay Hawkins - Alligator Wine
2. Screaming Jay Hawkins - You Ain't Foolin' Me
20. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Voodoo
21. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - You Put a Spell On Me
3. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - I Put a Spell On You
4. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - You Made Me Love You
5. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Yellow Coat
6. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Hong Kong
7. Screaming Jay Hawkins - There's Something Wrong With You
8. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - I Love Paris
9. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Orange Colored Sky

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