The Veil (Original Soundtrack)
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FormatFLAC Stereo 776 Kbps /
44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Size 417.57 Mb

The Veil (Original Soundtrack) '2024

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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1.01. The Veil
1.02. Imogen Arrives
1.03. Attack in the Camp
1.04. Imogen's Theme
1.05. Realisations
1.06. Adilah
1.07. Malik
1.08. Lord of the Manor
1.09. Can You Remember Her Face
1.10. Exploring the Camp
1.11. Tent Raid
1.12. Journey from the Camp
1.13. The Djinn
1.14. When Everyone Was Sleeping
1.15. Across Borders
1.16. Something Lost
1.17. Searching the Camp
1.18. An Abduction
1.19. The Journey
1.20. Street Chase
1.21. Proof Beyond Doubt
1.22. Yasmina
1.23. Sniper in the Snow
1.24. Provadia
1.25. Calling Emir
1.26. Comms Spot
1.27. Imogen's Memories
1.28. Cesar
1.29. Street Attack
1.30. Promises
1.31. We Are the Same
1.32. He Was Watching
1.33. Night Movements
1.34. Knife Fight
1.35. You Haven't Got It in You
1.36. Shots in the Dark
1.37. A Hundred Strangers
1.38. Imogen's Journey

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