CD1/ -0.00
CD1/01. What Is This Thing Called Love.flac -11.75
CD1/02. Darn That Dream.flac -14.74
CD1/03. Yesterdays.flac -13.66
CD1/04. Body and Soul.flac -14.00
CD1/05. Blue Moon.flac -14.78
CD1/06. Blue Tide.flac -13.33
CD1/07. Darn That Dream (Alternate Take).flac -14.70
CD1/08. Jeepers Creepers (Take 1).flac -14.77
CD1/09. Jeepers Creepers (Take 2).flac -12.69
CD1/10. Potrait (Take 1) (Alternate Take).flac -15.89
CD1/11. Potrait (Take 2).flac -16.20
CD1/12. I've Lost My Love (Take 1).flac -15.41
CD1/13. I've Lost My Love (Take 2).flac -15.30
CD1/14. Extrasensory Pereception.flac -14.68
CD1/15. Extrasensory Pereception (Alternate Take).flac -15.26
CD1/16. Precognition.flac -14.64
CD1/17. Make Believe.flac -17.13
CD1/18. Paris In Blue.flac -17.55
CD1/19. Montage.flac -14.65
CD1/20. Day Dream (Take 1).flac -17.88
CD1/21. Day Dream (Take 2).flac -13.03
CD1/22. Theme from 'Rhapsody in Blue' (Take 1).flac -17.98
CD1/23. Theme from 'Rhapsody in Blue' (Take 2).flac -14.49
CD1/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD1.cue -0.00
CD1/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD1.log -0.01
CD2/ -0.00
CD2/01. Jet (Take 1).flac -14.22
CD2/02. Jet (Take 2).flac -14.98
CD2/03. (Medley) You Go to My Head.flac -12.16
CD2/04. Can You Blame Me.flac -15.20
CD2/05. You and Me.flac -12.88
CD2/06. Bebopper.flac -14.43
CD2/07. Cupid.flac -12.79
CD2/08. Drum Conversation.flac -24.02
CD2/09. I've Got You Under My Skin.flac -13.34
CD2/10. Embraceable You.flac -22.83
CD2/11. Sure Thing.flac -11.89
CD2/12. Cherokee.flac -30.38
CD2/13. (Jubille) Hallelujah.flac -23.80
CD2/14. Lullaby of Birdland.flac -15.38
CD2/15. Wee (Allen's Alley).flac -47.58
CD2/16. Hot House.flac -58.32
CD2/17. A Night in Tunisia.flac -53.21
CD2/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD2.cue -0.00
CD2/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD2.log -0.01
CD3/ -0.00
CD3/01. Perdido.flac -53.88
CD3/02. Salt Peanuts.flac -46.84
CD3/03. All The Things You Are.flac -41.99
CD3/04. 52nd Street Theme.flac -4.06
CD3/05. Perdido.flac -49.10
CD3/06. Salt Peanuts.flac -46.22
CD3/07. All The Things You Are.flac -38.67
CD3/08. 52nd Street Theme.flac -3.38
CD3/09. Wee (Allen's Song).flac -45.49
CD3/10. Hot House.flac -55.87
CD3/11. A Night In Tunsia.flac -48.16
CD3/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD3.cue -0.00
CD3/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD3.log -0.01
CD4/ -0.00
CD4/01. Bass-ically Speaking (Take 1).flac -21.96
CD4/02. Bass-ically Speaking (Take 2).flac -19.70
CD4/03. Bass-ically Speaking (Take 3).flac -19.81
CD4/04. Bass-ically Speaking.flac -23.49
CD4/05. (Untitled Blues).flac -13.70
CD4/06. Wee Dot (Blues for Some Bones).flac -92.36
CD4/07. Stardust.flac -24.86
CD4/08. Move.flac -44.67
CD4/09. I'll Remember April.flac -72.93
CD4/10. Now's The Time.flac -95.19
CD4/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD4.cue -0.00
CD4/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD4.log -0.01
CD5/ -0.00
CD5/01. Trombosphere.flac -20.53
CD5/02. Ow!.flac -109.15
CD5/03. Chazzanova (false start of Yesterdays).flac -25.32
CD5/04. Yesterdays.flac -57.28
CD5/05. Kai's Day.flac -33.24
CD5/06. Pink Topsy.flac -16.80
CD5/07. Miss Bliss.flac -16.89
CD5/08. Blue Tide.flac -15.75
CD5/09. Pink Topsy.flac -20.70
CD5/10. Eclipse (Alternate Take).flac -14.99
CD5/11. Eclipse.flac -14.45
CD5/12. Opus 1 (Alternate Take).flac -16.90
CD5/13. Opus 1.flac -19.37
CD5/14. (Teapot) Walkin'.flac -25.22
CD5/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD5.cue -0.00
CD5/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD5.log -0.01
CD6/ -0.00
CD6/01. Like Someone in Love.flac -19.88
CD6/02. I Can't Get Started.flac -18.14
CD6/03. Spontaneous Combustion.flac -23.29
CD6/04. The Theme.flac -19.55
CD6/05. Split Kick.flac -18.38
CD6/06. This Time the Dream's On Me.flac -18.68
CD6/07. Zootcase (spoken material).flac -16.26
CD6/08. Santa Clause is Coming to Town.flac -21.14
CD6/09. The Pendulum at Falcon's Lair.flac -22.91
CD6/10. Jack the Fieldstalker.flac -29.50
CD6/11. Stockholm Sweetnin'.flac -24.99
CD6/12. Low and Behold.flac -16.20
CD6/13. Bitty Ditty.flac -28.15
CD6/14. Chazzanova.flac -18.58
CD6/15. I'll Remember April.flac -18.24
CD6/16. Ellusive (Illusive).flac -26.00
CD6/17. Sombre Intrusion.flac -13.74
CD6/18. You Don't Know What Love Is.flac -16.41
CD6/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD6.cue -0.00
CD6/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD6.log -0.01
CD7/ -0.00
CD7/01. Like Someone In Love.flac -14.32
CD7/02. Peace of Mind.flac -15.37
CD7/03. Lament.flac -17.80
CD7/04. The Jeep is Jumpin'.flac -23.03
CD7/05. Git Up From Here.flac -23.53
CD7/06. A Foggy Day.flac -31.62
CD7/07. Mountain Greenery.flac -25.81
CD7/08. Git Up From Here.flac -18.93
CD7/09. Lament.flac -18.54
CD7/10. One More.flac -46.32
CD7/11. I Can't Get Started.flac -32.13
CD7/12. More of the Same.flac -30.90
CD7/13. Get Out of Town.flac -50.63
CD7/14. One More.flac -24.18
CD7/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD7.cue -0.00
CD7/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD7.log -0.01
CD8/ -0.00
CD8/01. Get Out Of Town.flac -41.79
CD8/02. Ensenada.flac -28.73
CD8/03. Machajo.flac -20.38
CD8/04. Cherokee.flac -24.62
CD8/05. Seven Moons.flac -20.04
CD8/06. Seven Moons.flac -21.69
CD8/07. All The Things You Are (Take 1).flac -30.22
CD8/08. All The Things You Are (Take 2).flac -22.41
CD8/09. Cherokee.flac -30.44
CD8/10. Nature Boy.flac -31.05
CD8/11. Alone Together.flac -34.45
CD8/12. There's No You.flac -40.43
CD8/13. Easy Living.flac -25.06
CD8/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD8.cue -0.00
CD8/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD8.log -0.01
CD9/ -0.00
CD9/01. The Edge of Love.flac -15.08
CD9/02. Makin' Whoopee.flac -14.74
CD9/03. Fanny.flac -17.55
CD9/04. Portrait.flac -15.15
CD9/05. Jump Monk.flac -44.10
CD9/06. Serenade in Blue.flac -33.84
CD9/07. Percussion Discussion.flac -45.67
CD9/08. Work Song.flac -32.66
CD9/09. Septemberly.flac -36.08
CD9/10. All The Things You C Sharp.flac -41.16
CD9/11. I'll Remember April.flac -81.35
CD9/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD9.cue -0.00
CD9/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD9.log -0.01
CD10/ -0.00
CD10/01. Love Chant.flac -45.46
CD10/02. A Foggy Day.flac -31.36
CD10/03. Drums.flac -30.23
CD10/04. Haitian Fight Song.flac -31.52
CD10/05. Lady Bird.flac -32.53
CD10/06. Jump Monk (spoken introduction and false start of All the Things).flac -75.48
CD10/07. All The Things You Do (spoken introduction and false start of Drums).flac -63.99
CD10/08. Drums (Take 1).flac -31.24
CD10/09. Drums (Take 2).flac -29.85
CD10/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD10.cue -0.00
CD10/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD10.log -0.00
CD11/ -0.00
CD11/01. I'll Remember April.flac -81.35
CD11/02. A Foggy Day.flac -32.80
CD11/03. A Portrait of Bud Powell.flac -21.84
CD11/04. Haitian Fight Song.flac -32.35
CD11/05. Love Chant.flac -50.11
CD11/06. Lady Bird.flac -33.13
CD11/07. What Is This Thing Called Love.flac -12.72
CD11/08. Latter Day Saint.flac -27.06
CD11/09. Cunningbird.flac -26.32
CD11/10. The Jumpin' Blues (Jump the Blues Away).flac -31.68
CD11/11. The Masher.flac -23.82
CD11/12. Latter Day Saint (Take 1).flac -37.00
CD11/13. Latter Day Saint (Take 2).flac -25.06
CD11/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD11.cue -0.00
CD11/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD11.log -0.01
CD12/ -0.00
CD12/01. The Masher.flac -27.83
CD12/02. Latter Day Saint.flac -25.23
CD12/03. (Untitled Original Blues) (Take 1).flac -26.42
CD12/04. Stella By Starlight (Take 4).flac -23.81
CD12/05. Stella By Starlight (Take 5).flac -22.46
CD12/06. (Untitled Original Composition) (Take 3).flac -29.17
CD12/07. (Untitled Original Composition) (Take 5).flac -25.86
CD12/08. Autumn in New York (Take 1).flac -30.47
CD12/09. Autumn in New York (Take 2).flac -28.69
CD12/10. Long Ago and Far Away (Take 2).flac -20.61
CD12/11. Long Ago and Far Away (Take 4).flac -19.29
CD12/12. Long Ago and Far Away (Take 5).flac -19.74
CD12/13. (Untitled Original Blues) (Take 2).flac -26.06
CD12/14. Joldi (Take 4).flac -36.04
CD12/15. Joldi (Take 5).flac -32.82
CD12/16. (Untitled Percussion Composition).flac -44.97
CD12/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD12.cue -0.00
CD12/Charles Mingus - The Complete Debut Recordings CD12.log -0.01
Scans/ -0.00
Scans/back.png -1.75
Scans/booklet1.png -1.06
Scans/booklet2.png -1.10
Scans/cover.png -1.28
Scans/front.png -2.04