Albums of Neo-Psychedelia music
The Teardrop Explodes
Peel Sessions Plus '2007 -
The Teardrop Explodes
Kilimanjaro '1980 -
The Teardrop Explodes
Wilder '1981 -
The Teardrop Explodes
Everybody Wants To Shag... '1990 -
The Teardrop Explodes
Piano '1990 -
24BITRain Parade
Crashing Dream '1986 -
The Three O'Clock
Befour Three O'Clock '1982 -
Blues Control
Local Flavor '2009 -
The Black Ryder
Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride '2009 -
24BITYves Tumor
The Asymptotical World '2021 -
Mind Over Mirrors
Bellowing Sun '2018 -
24BITAnimal Collective
Centipede Hz '2012 -
Open '2022 -
Vanishing Twin
The Age of Immunology '2019 -
Astral Weeks
The Original Astral Weeks' Sound '1998 -
Linear B '2024 -
Bacuri '2024 -
The Teardrop Explodes
Zoology '2004 -
Les Marquises
Pensée Magique '2014