Albums of Classic Rock music


The pages of this genre are probably the most attended on musical portals. The admirers are ready to buy classic rock of lossless quality (FLAC format) at any price. Such bands as The Beatles, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd and Queen are known to everyone. Numerous web portals provide classic rock downloads in MP3, M4A or any other format.

This subgenre includes artists whose work is always based on the pillars of rock music. The category should include only those groups, which do not stylistically diverge from its foundation to any of the many areas of the genre.

You also can buy other genres of lossless music for us such as Death Metal.

Numerous classifications

There are many performers who belong to the discussed style, and the issue of such a classification causes numerous arguments. It is extremely difficult to find out which bands really ensure such a great number of classic rock music downloads. First of all, it is necessary to mention that the work of one and the same band in different periods of its history may be radically different. For example, famous Eagles used to play country. If you want to download classic rock album of the group, you should start with On the Border.

Definition of stylistic affiliation of an artist is often a problem. For example, such artists and groups like The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Peter Gabriel or Metallica can easily fall under several stylistic patterns depending on the period of their work. Another way is to look at the statistics of classic rock MP3 downloads. Public opinion may be really useful in this issue. However, if you truly want to buy classic rock and nothing else, you better consult an expert.

There is also an opinion that belonging to classics of the genre Classic Rock should be defined not by the style of a band, but by the period of its occurrence. Thus, only those who began their career in the early days of this musical style (i.e., the golden 1960s-1970s) may be attributed to the discussed category. According to this view, none of the musicians of our time may have a relationship to the classics. This way, it appears that only groups with 40 years history are responsible for all the classic rock downloads.

The easiest way is the case, of course, is to deal with such pronounced representatives of the style, who have never strongly deviated from the accepted essentials in their work. Take, for example, The Who. Downloading any song of this band one may be sure to download classic rock. Of course, in the years of their creative activity they tried themselves in different directions, but at the heart of their work there has always been rock.

Undoubtful leaders

The arguments of musical critics may last forever, but the public has already made its choice. The most popular classic rock songs downloaded in different times include:

  • Aerosmith’s ‘Sweet Emotion’;
  • Led Zeppelin’s  ‘Kashmir’;
  • Rolling Stones’ ‘Gimme Shelter’;
  • AC/DC's ‘Back in Black’;
  • The Beatles’ ‘A Day in the Life’;
  • The Jimi Hendrix Experience’s ‘All Along the Watchtower’;
  • Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’;
  • Van Halen’s ‘Everybody Wants Some!!’;
  • Pink Floyd’s ‘Comfortably Numb’;
  • Black Sabbath’s ‘Paranoid’ etc.

It is possible to download classic rock albums or other lossless music on our web portal.