World Spirit '1998Download FLAC $2.95Track list1. (00:00:56) - Intro - Prelude
2. (00:04:04) - One Little Creature
3. (00:03:58) - You've Gotta Learn (Three Kingdoms)
4. (00:05:15) - Talk To Me (Throat Singers from Tuva meet Tibetan Monks)
5. (00:04:11) - Medunya (Dancing in the Rain)
6. (00:04:02) - AloomnР№ (The Inuit Salute the Daylight)
7. (00:04:42) - Final Call (Time to Understand)
8. (00:06:42) - Silent Prayer (Mouthmusic)
9. (00:03:31) - Р™ Souber Son (7 days of songs and dances with nomads of the desert)
10. (00:04:20) - Ojamboo (mirror of the grand void)
11. (00:04:56) - Don't Be Afraid (love bears it out even to the edge of doom)
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Volume 2 - Culture Clash '1997
Divine Spirits '1997
Chants And Dances Of The Native Americans '1994
Indians - Die Gesange Der Indianer '1994