December (Piano solos)
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Format FLAC Stereo 2591 Kbps /
96 kHz
Size 705.46 Mb

December (Piano solos) '1980

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Play List

  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
01. George Winston - Thanksgiving
02. George Winston - Rest Your Head
03. George Winston - Joy
04. George Winston - Prelude
05. George Winston - Carol of the Bells
06. George Winston - Night, Pt. 1 - Snow
07. George Winston - Night, Pt. 2 - Midnight
08. George Winston - Night, Pt. 3 - Minstrels
09. George Winston - Variations on the Kanon
10. George Winston - The Holly and The Ivy
11. George Winston - Some Children See Him
12. George Winston - Peace
. 01. George Winston - Thanksgiving
. 02. George Winston - Rest Your Head
. 03. George Winston - Joy
. 04. George Winston - Prelude
. 05. George Winston - Carol of the Bells
. 06. George Winston - Night, Pt. 1 - Snow
. 07. George Winston - Night, Pt. 2 - Midnight
. 08. George Winston - Night, Pt. 3 - Minstrels
. 09. George Winston - Variations on the Kanon
. 10. George Winston - The Holly and The Ivy
. 11. George Winston - Some Children See Him
. 12. George Winston - Peace

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