The Scriabin Mystery
GenreClassical Piano
Related artists
Format FLAC Stereo 1953 Kbps /
96 kHz
Size 1190.28 Mb

The Scriabin Mystery '2022

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Play List

01. 3 Pieces, Op. 2 I. Etude in C-Sharp Minor
  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
01. 3 Pieces, Op. 2 I. Etude in C-Sharp Minor
02. 12 Etudes, Op. 8 II. Etude in F-Sharp Minor
03. 12 Etudes, Op. 8 XI. Etude in B-Flat Minor
04. Prelude & Nocturne for the left hand, Op. 9 I. Prelude Andante
05. Prelude & Nocturne for the left hand, Op. 9 II. Nocturne Andante
06. Piano Sonata No. 2, Op. 19 Sonata Fantasy I. Andante
07. Piano Sonata No. 2, Op. 19 Sonata Fantasy II. Presto
08. 8 Etudes, Op. 42 V. Etude in C-Sharp Minor
09. Piano Sonata No. 7, Op. 64 White Mass
10. Piano Sonata No. 9, Op. 68 Black Mass
11. Vers la flamme, Op. 72 Poeme
12. 5 Preludes, Op. 74 I. Douloureux, déchirant
13. 5 Preludes, Op. 74 II. Très lent, contemplatif
14. 5 Preludes, Op. 74 III. Allegro drammatico
15. 5 Preludes, Op. 74 IV. Lent, vague, indécis
16. 5 Preudes, Op. 74 V. Fier, belliquex
17. Tombeau de Scriabine, Op. 22 I. Prelude
18. 2 Dances, Op. 73 I. Guirlandes
19. 2 Dances, Op. 73 II. Flammes sombres

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