Schleiermacher: Piano Pieces
GenreClassical Piano
Related artists
FormatFLAC Stereo 363 Kbps /
44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Size 183.77 Mb

Schleiermacher: Piano Pieces '2004

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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
01. Echo for five pianos
02. Three Reconciliations to Heiner Müller I. Herakles
03. Three Reconciliations to Heiner Müller II. Bildbeschreibung
04. Three Reconciliations to Heiner Müller III. Philoktet
05. Twelve Soundscapes inside the Piano I. At Sea Auf dem Meer
06. Twelve Soundscapes inside the Piano II. At the Mountain Lake Am Bergsee
07. Twelve Soundscapes inside the Piano III. In the Slate Mountains Im Schiefergebirge
08. Twelve Soundscapes inside the Piano IV. On the Island Auf der Insel
09. Twelve Soundscapes inside the Piano V. In the Mine Im Bergwerk
10. Twelve Soundscapes inside the Piano VI. In the Lowlands Im Flachland
11. Twelve Soundscapes inside the Piano VII. In the Cave In der Höhle
12. Twelve Soundscapes inside the Piano VIII. On the Mountainside Am Berghang
13. Twelve Soundscapes inside the Piano IX. After the Earthquake Nach dem Erdbeben
14. Twelve Soundscapes inside the Piano X. At the Mountain Brook Am Gebirgsbach
15. Twelve Soundscapes inside the Piano XI. In the Castle Ruin In der Burgruine
16. Twelve Soundscapes inside the Piano XII. On the Highway Auf der Autobahn
17. Lîla

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