Rare Cult: The Demo Sessions  (5CD's Box)
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FormatFLAC Stereo 1052 Kbps /
44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Size 2626.19 Mb

Rare Cult: The Demo Sessions (5CD's Box) '2002

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Play List

01. The Cult - Love Removal Machine
  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
01. The Cult - Love Removal Machine
02. The Cult - Peace
03. The Cult - Zap City
04. The Cult - Love Trooper
05. The Cult - Angel
06. The Cult - Tom Petty
07. The Cult - Brown's Gone To Ausy Land
08. The Cult - Babywalker
09. The Cult - Surf Nazi
10. The Cult - Groove Co
11. The Cult - Oink
12. The Cult - Oink
13. The Cult - Waltz
14. The Cult - Blues One
15. The Cult - Untitled
16. The Cult - El Progresso
17. The Cult - Untitled
18. The Cult - Groove Co
01. The Cult - Medicine Train
02. The Cult - New York City
03. The Cult - American Horse
04. The Cult - Sun King
05. The Cult - Automatic Blues
06. The Cult - Yes Man
07. The Cult - Zodiac
08. The Cult - Fire
09. The Cult - Wake Up Time For Freedom
10. The Cult - Bite On The Bullet
11. The Cult - Fred Divinyls
12. The Cult - Citadel
13. The Cult - The River
14. The Cult - The Crystal Ocean
01. The Cult - Cashmere
02. The Cult - Edie
03. The Cult - Bleeding Heart Graffitti
04. The Cult - Lay Down Your Gun
05. The Cult - My Love
06. The Cult - Iron Star
07. The Cult - Star Child
08. The Cult - Wake Up Time For Freedom
09. The Cult - Lay Down Your Gun
10. The Cult - Medicine Train
11. The Cult - New York City
12. The Cult - Fire
13. The Cult - American Horse
14. The Cult - Sun King
15. The Cult - Edie
01. The Cult - Ceremony
02. The Cult - Full Tilt
03. The Cult - Earth Mother
04. The Cult - Crazy Hearted Lover
05. The Cult - Friend
06. The Cult - Wonderland
07. The Cult - Bangkok Rain
08. The Cult - Red Eye
09. The Cult - Spanish Gold
10. The Cult - White
11. The Cult - Host Of Angels
12. The Cult - Black Cat
13. The Cult - Pre-take Jam
14. The Cult - Northern Man
15. The Cult - Auto
01. The Cult - Angel
02. The Cult - Upbeat Track
03. The Cult - Downbeat Track
04. The Cult - Tight Lip
05. The Cult - Spanish Gold
06. The Cult - White
07. The Cult - Track Four
08. The Cult - Indian
09. The Cult - Track Six
10. The Cult - Track Seven
11. The Cult - Track Eight
12. The Cult - Spanish Gold
13. The Cult - Northern Man
14. The Cult - Host Of Angels
15. The Cult - Sweet Salvation

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