Balls '2000Download FLAC $2.95Play List
Other albums
The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte '2023
Balls '2022
Annette '2021
A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip '2020
Lil' Beethoven '2020
Balls '2020
No.1 In Heaven - 40th Anniversary '2019
Hippopotamus '2017
Hippopotamus '2017
Real Extended - The 12 Inch Mixes 1979-1999 (2CD) '2015
Best Of Sparks '2014
New Music for Amnesiacs: Essential Collection '2013
New Music For Amnesiacs - The Essential Collection (CD1) '2013
New Music For Amnesiacs - The Essential Collection (CD2) '2013
Sparks Extended: The 12 Inch Mixes (2CD) '2012
Exotic Creatures Of The Deep '2008