The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn
GenrePsychedelic Rock
Related artists
Country2007 Remastered, CD2: Stereo Mix
FormatFLAC Stereo 846 Kbps /
44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Size 358.28 Mb

The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn '1967

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Track list

1. (00:04:09) Pink Floyd - Astronomy Domine
2. (00:03:05) Pink Floyd - Lucifer Sam
3. (00:03:06) Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother
4. (00:02:44) Pink Floyd - Flaming
5. (00:04:24) Pink Floyd - Pow R. Toc H.
6. (00:03:04) Pink Floyd - Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk
7. (00:09:40) Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive
8. (00:02:12) Pink Floyd - The Gnome
9. (00:03:40) Pink Floyd - Chapter 24
10. (00:02:09) Pink Floyd - The Scarecrow
11. (00:03:25) Pink Floyd - Bike

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