High-Rise (Original Soundtrack Recording)
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Format FLAC Stereo 1460 Kbps /
48 kHz
Size 439.42 Mb

High-Rise (Original Soundtrack Recording) '2016

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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Critical Mass
10. A Royal Flying School
11. The Evening's Entertainment
12. Blood Garden
2. Silent Corridors
3. The World Beyond the High-Rise
4. The Vertical City
5. The Circle of Women
6. -Built, Not for Man, But for Man's Absence-
7. Danger in the Streets of the Sky
8. -Somehow the High-Rise Played into the Hands of the Most Petty Impulses-
9. Cine-Camera Cinema

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