Related artists
0.000/0.0000 [gs_parser.process] > album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
0.000/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module_Albums:gs_base_handler.validate_gl
0.008/0.0075 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
0.008/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.008/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFLACFilename`,`albumTrackList`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.008/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.010/0.0013 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumStoreSubdir`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.010/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.010/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumUserLogin`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.010/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.011/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumZipFilename`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.011/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.011/0.0001 [gs_base_handler.validate_gl] > /home/adamsfile/
0.011/0.0000 [gs_base_handler.validate_gl] > albumTracks=---------------------------------
0.029/0.0180 [gs_base_handler.validate_gl] > 10
0.029/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856
0.030/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.030/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFLACFilename`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856
0.030/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.030/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumStoreSubdir`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856
0.031/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.031/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumUserLogin`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856
0.031/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.031/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumZipFilename`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856
0.031/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.032/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumTrackList`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856
0.032/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.032/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumPerformer`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856
0.032/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.033/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > call validate_gl
0.033/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] >
0.033/0.0003 [] > /home/adamsfile/
0.033/0.0000 [] > Yes
0.033/0.0000 [] > /home/adamsfile/
0.033/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.multilang] > /home/adamsfile/
0.033/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.multilang] >
0.033/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.multilang] > /home/adamsfile/
0.033/0.0000 [] > /home/adamsfile/
0.033/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.fetch] > /home/adamsfile/
0.040/0.0064 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `bitrate24Bit`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.040/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.040/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumGenre`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.040/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.041/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumMediaType`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.041/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.042/0.0016 [gs_parser.process] > Users/checklogin/Users
0.042/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module_Users:gs_base_handler.check_login
0.046/0.0035 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
0.046/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.046/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `userID` FROM `Users` WHERE `userID` = '' ORDER BY userID
0.047/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.047/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call check_login
0.047/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.049/0.0015 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.049/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.049/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.049/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.049/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.049/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.050/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.050/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.050/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.050/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.050/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.050/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.051/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.051/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.051/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.051/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.051/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.051/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.051/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.052/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.052/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.052/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.052/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.052/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.052/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.052/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.053/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.053/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.053/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.053/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.053/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.053/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.054/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.054/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.054/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.054/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.054/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.054/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.055/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.055/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.055/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.056/0.0013 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `id` FROM `rs_registry` WHERE `type` = 'session' AND `key` = 'KzFZ69'
0.057/0.0012 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.058/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `Registry_id`,`id` FROM `rs_registry_objects` WHERE `name` = 'cart' AND `Registry_id` IN ('')
0.059/0.0011 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.059/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumType`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.059/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.060/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter/show
0.060/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] >
0.060/0.0001 [gs_Smarty.fetch] > filters/like.html
0.061/0.0005 [gs_parser.process] > call show
0.061/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0 AND `albumID` = 578856
0.061/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.063/0.0016 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID`,`albumMediaType`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumGenre`,`albumTime`,`albumCodec`,`albumBitrate`,`albumUserID`,`albumFileSize`,`albumViews`,`albumRank`,`albumCheckedTxt`,`albumTrackList`,`albumZipContent`,`albumAdditionalInfo`,`albumLogText`,`albumChecked`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3FileList`,`flacImg` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0 AND `albumID` = 578856
0.064/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.064/0.0002 [Smarty_Internal_Template.renderTemplate] > 0
0.064/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumCodec`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.064/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.065/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumChannels`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.065/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.065/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumBitrate`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.065/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.065/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFrequency`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.066/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.066/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFileSize`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.066/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.067/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 578856 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
0.067/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.068/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFileSize`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856
0.068/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.068/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `bitrate24Bit`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856
0.068/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.069/0.0005 [Smarty_Internal_Template.renderTemplate] > Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
0.069/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumMP3Status`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.069/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.070/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumZipContent`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578856 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.070/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.071/0.0007 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT count(*) as count FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
0.072/0.0009 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.072/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT count(*) as count FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 AND `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
0.073/0.0009 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.073/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
0.074/0.0010 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 16 rows
0.081/0.0069 [gs_parser.process] > get/related/artists
0.081/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module_radio:site_handler.get_related_artists
0.085/0.0034 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
0.085/0.0007 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.085/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `Performer_id`,`similar_ids`,`id` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` = 'Kila' ORDER BY id
0.086/0.0009 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.087/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `Performer_id`,`similar_artists`,`id` FROM `similar_artists` WHERE `performer` = 'Kila' ORDER BY id
0.088/0.0009 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.088/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `name`,`id`,`Performer_id`,`image` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` IN () ORDER BY id
0.089/0.0006 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] >
0.089/0.0000 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] > EXCEPTION gs_dbd_exception
0.089/0.0000 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] > gs_dbdriver_mysql: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY id' at line 1 in query /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `name`,`id`,`Performer_id`,`image` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` IN () ORDER BY id
0.554/0.4651 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] > Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 414
[function] => query
[class] => gs_dbdriver_mysql
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT `name`,`id`,`Performer_id`,`image` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` IN () ORDER BY id
[1] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 377
[function] => select
[class] => gs_dbdriver_mysql
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => spotify
[1] => Array
[name] => Array
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => id
[2] => Performer_id
[3] => image
[2] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 223
[function] => load_records
[class] => gs_recordset_base
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[3] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 236
[function] => preload
[class] => gs_recordset_base
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[4] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 166
[function] => valid
[class] => gs_recordset_base
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[5] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 199
[function] => get_similar_by_artist
[class] => site_handler
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Kila
[6] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 159
[function] => get_related_artists
[class] => site_handler
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[last] => gs_null Object
[7] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 797
[function] => process
[class] => gs_parser
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[8] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 3
[function] => process_handler
[class] => gs_base_handler
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[gspgid] => /get/related/artists
[artist] => Kila
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[1] => Smarty_Internal_Template Object
[compiler_object] =>
[cacher_object] =>
[cache_id] =>
[compile_id] =>
[caching] =>
[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[cacher_class] =>
[caching_type] =>
[forceNocache] =>
[template_resource] => /home/adamsfile/
[resource_type] => file
[resource_name] => /home/adamsfile/
[isExisting:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1
[templateUid] => 4c31e9abb298e2d7e13ba7ff99128d1bda4dab98
[template_filepath] => /home/adamsfile/
[template_source] =>
[template_timestamp:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1728978935
[compiled_filepath:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => /home/adamsfile/
[compiled_template] =>
[compiled_timestamp:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1728978937
[mustCompile] =>
[suppressHeader] =>
[suppressFileDependency] =>
[has_nocache_code] =>
[write_compiled_code] => 1
[rendered_content] =>
[cached_filepath:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[cached_timestamp] =>
[isCached:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[cacheFileChecked:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[tpl_vars] => Array
[smarty] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[base_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[http_host] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_base_handler Object
[blocks:protected] =>
[data:protected] => Array
[gspgid] => album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 578856
[1] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578856] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 578856
[2] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[params:protected] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[tpl_dir] => /home/adamsfile/
[subdir] => /Albums/
[www_subdir] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gssession] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[root_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /home/adamsfile/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_module_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[www_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsdata] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 578856
[1] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578856] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 578856
[2] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsparams] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsstack] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
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[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
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[albumID] => 578972
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[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
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[albumPerformer] => Kila
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[albumDate] => 2010
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 540883
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[albumPerformer] => Kila
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
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[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
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[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
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[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
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[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
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[SCRIPT_NAME] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[query] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[path] => /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[an] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 578856
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[n] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
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[db_username] => adamsfile
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 82456
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[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
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[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[User] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[albums_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[r] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => registry Object
[rs_reg:registry:private] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => rs_registry Object
[no_urlkey] => 1
[sortkey] => 0
[no_ctime] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => KzFZ69
[index_field_name] => id
[fields] => Array
[0] => id
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => flacit
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #133
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #160
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1158787755
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.0033307075500488
[total_queries] => 5
[total_rows] => 0
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `Album_id` = 578856 AND `User_id` = ''
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
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[ac04273ddfc09ff1348afb46c7cb7597] => Array
[744cc6860061f6ed5465078d71a38926] => Array
[d2b1882ce22f6af15fbcd93ef76e92ad] => Array
[196a738dab30f8a4472d0fccc2544b00] => Array
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 578856 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => mysql
[id_field_name] => id
[db_tablename] => rs_registry
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => serial
[type] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[name] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[key] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
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[type] => date
[_mtime] => Array
[type] => date
[recordsets] => Array
[Objects] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[htmlforms] => Array
[type] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] => 1
[index] => true
[verbose_name] => type
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
[session] => session
[record] => record
[name] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => name
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[key] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => key
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[Objects_hash] => Array
[type] => hidden
[widget] => private
[validate] => dummyValid
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => fInt
[hidden] => true
[Objects] => Array
[type] => lMany2One
[linkname] => Objects
[hidden] => 1
[widget] =>
[verbose_name] => Objects
[validate] => dummyValid
[nulloption] =>
[options] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[type] => type
[name] => name
[key] => key
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[init_fields] => Array
[type] => fSelect options="session,record" required=true index=true
[name] => fString options="32" required=false index=true
[key] => fString options="32" required=true index=true
[Objects] => lMany2One rs_registry_objects:Registry required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry
[table_name] => rs_registry
[gs_connector_id] => mysql
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => KzFZ69
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => KzFZ69
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 3
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart_sum] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 0
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[q] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[k] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[a] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Kila
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 578856
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
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[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
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[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578972] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82456] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82455] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540883] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578861] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82453] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82452] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82451] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540884] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82450] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540885] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82449] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82448] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[145000] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[key] => 145000
[balance] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => $0.00
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[br] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => hideOnAllflac
[value] => 0
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[value] => 578856
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumMediaType
[2] => albumZipFilename
[3] => albumPerformer
[4] => albumTitle
[5] => albumDate
[6] => albumGenre
[7] => albumTime
[8] => albumCodec
[9] => albumBitrate
[10] => albumUserID
[11] => albumFileSize
[12] => albumViews
[13] => albumRank
[14] => albumCheckedTxt
[15] => albumTrackList
[16] => albumZipContent
[17] => albumAdditionalInfo
[18] => albumLogText
[19] => albumChecked
[20] => bitrate24Bit
[21] => albumMP3FileList
[22] => flacImg
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
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[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
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[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
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[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
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[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[freq] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 44.1
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[canDownload] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[i] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 8
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[j] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 7
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[p] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[disk_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[tracks] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_paging] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => <a id="curr" href="/album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017?others_paging=0">1</a>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others_count] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Kila
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 578856
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
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[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumID] => 578856
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[albumID] => 578856
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
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[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
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[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumType] => Album
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[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
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[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
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[albumMP3FileList] =>
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[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
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[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
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[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
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[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
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[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[164508] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578972] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82456] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82455] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540883] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578861] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82453] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82452] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82451] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540884] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82450] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540885] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82449] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82448] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[145000] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[nocache] =>
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[parent] =>
[config_vars] => Array
[plugin_data] => Array
[properties] => Array
[file_dependency] => Array
[4c31e9abb298e2d7e13ba7ff99128d1bda4dab98] => Array
[0] => /home/adamsfile/
[1] => 1728978935
[2] => file
[7b6c472145c9277e6b3191e9b42c11e20e843aed] => Array
[0] => /home/adamsfile/
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[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
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[>] => Array
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
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[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
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[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
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[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
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[albumID] => serial required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
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[1] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
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[578856] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
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[1] => 578856
[2] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
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[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
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[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
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[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
[db_tablename] => Albums
[db_scheme] =>
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[type] => serial
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => date
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => float
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => date
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[htmlforms] => Array
[albumUserID] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[unique] => UNIQUE
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[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumID] => 578856
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumID] => 578856
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[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
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[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
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[albumID] => 578856
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[albumType] => Album
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
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[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
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[albumID] => 578856
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[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
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[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
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[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
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[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
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[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
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[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[count] => 16
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
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[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
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[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
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[>] => Array
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[578856] => gs_record Object
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
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[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
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[4] => albumDate
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
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[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
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[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[db_scheme] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => date
[multilang] =>
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[recordsets] => Array
[htmlforms] => Array
[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumUserID
[validate] => isNumber
[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumPerformer
[options] => 256
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTitle
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumGenre
[options] => 64
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTime
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCodec
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumBitrate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSource
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumZipContent
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
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[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
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[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
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[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
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[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumType] => Album
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[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
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[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
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[albumMP3FileList] =>
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[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
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[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[0] => 578856
[1] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578856] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 578856
[2] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsparams] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsstack] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
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[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
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[float] => FLOAT
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[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
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[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
[db_tablename] => Albums
[db_scheme] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => date
[multilang] =>
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[recordsets] => Array
[htmlforms] => Array
[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumUserID
[validate] => isNumber
[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumPerformer
[options] => 256
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTitle
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumGenre
[options] => 64
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTime
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCodec
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumBitrate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSource
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumZipContent
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
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[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
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[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
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[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
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[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[albumVotes] => Array
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['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
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['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
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[type] => input
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[type] => number
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[0] => dummyValid
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[albumMP3Status] => Array
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[SCRIPT_NAME] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /index.php
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[query] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[path] => /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[an] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 578856
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[n] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
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[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
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[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
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[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 540883
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[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
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[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
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[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[User] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[albums_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[r] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => registry Object
[rs_reg:registry:private] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => rs_registry Object
[no_urlkey] => 1
[sortkey] => 0
[no_ctime] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => KzFZ69
[index_field_name] => id
[fields] => Array
[0] => id
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => flacit
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #133
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #160
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1158787755
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.0033307075500488
[total_queries] => 5
[total_rows] => 0
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `Album_id` = 578856 AND `User_id` = ''
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[ac04273ddfc09ff1348afb46c7cb7597] => Array
[744cc6860061f6ed5465078d71a38926] => Array
[d2b1882ce22f6af15fbcd93ef76e92ad] => Array
[196a738dab30f8a4472d0fccc2544b00] => Array
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 578856 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => mysql
[id_field_name] => id
[db_tablename] => rs_registry
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => serial
[type] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[name] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[key] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[_ctime] => Array
[type] => date
[_mtime] => Array
[type] => date
[recordsets] => Array
[Objects] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[htmlforms] => Array
[type] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] => 1
[index] => true
[verbose_name] => type
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
[session] => session
[record] => record
[name] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => name
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[key] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => key
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[Objects_hash] => Array
[type] => hidden
[widget] => private
[validate] => dummyValid
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => fInt
[hidden] => true
[Objects] => Array
[type] => lMany2One
[linkname] => Objects
[hidden] => 1
[widget] =>
[verbose_name] => Objects
[validate] => dummyValid
[nulloption] =>
[options] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[type] => type
[name] => name
[key] => key
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[init_fields] => Array
[type] => fSelect options="session,record" required=true index=true
[name] => fString options="32" required=false index=true
[key] => fString options="32" required=true index=true
[Objects] => lMany2One rs_registry_objects:Registry required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry
[table_name] => rs_registry
[gs_connector_id] => mysql
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => KzFZ69
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => KzFZ69
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 3
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart_sum] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 0
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[q] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[k] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[a] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Kila
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 578856
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
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[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
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[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
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[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[164508] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578972] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82456] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82455] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540883] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578861] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82453] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82452] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82451] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540884] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82450] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540885] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82449] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82448] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[145000] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[key] => 145000
[balance] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => $0.00
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[br] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => hideOnAllflac
[value] => 0
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[value] => 578856
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumMediaType
[2] => albumZipFilename
[3] => albumPerformer
[4] => albumTitle
[5] => albumDate
[6] => albumGenre
[7] => albumTime
[8] => albumCodec
[9] => albumBitrate
[10] => albumUserID
[11] => albumFileSize
[12] => albumViews
[13] => albumRank
[14] => albumCheckedTxt
[15] => albumTrackList
[16] => albumZipContent
[17] => albumAdditionalInfo
[18] => albumLogText
[19] => albumChecked
[20] => bitrate24Bit
[21] => albumMP3FileList
[22] => flacImg
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
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[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumGenre
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumTime
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[freq] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 44.1
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[canDownload] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[i] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 8
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[j] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 7
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[p] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[disk_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[tracks] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_paging] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => <a id="curr" href="/album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017?others_paging=0">1</a>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others_count] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Kila
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 578856
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSource
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumZipContent
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[164508] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578972] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82456] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82455] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540883] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578861] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82453] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82452] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82451] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540884] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82450] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540885] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82449] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82448] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[145000] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
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[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
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[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
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[max] => 255
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[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
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[0] => dummyValid
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
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[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
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[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[578856] => gs_record Object
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[1] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
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[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
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[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[float] => FLOAT
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[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
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[bool] => BOOL
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[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
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[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
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[>] => Array
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
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[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
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[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
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[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[db_scheme] =>
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[albumID] => Array
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[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
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[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[albumUserID] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[max] => 255
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => Array
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[options] => 32
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
[db_tablename] => Albums
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[albumID] => Array
[type] => serial
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[multilang] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
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[index] => true
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
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[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
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[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
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[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
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[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
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[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[2] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
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[0] => 578856
[1] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
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[artist] => Kila
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[gspgid_root] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[nocache] =>
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[fields] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => albumChannels
[nocache] =>
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[case] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[modify] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[artist] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[parent_record] =>
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[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
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[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
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[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[db_password] => 05011979
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[578856] => gs_record Object
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
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[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
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[4] => albumDate
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
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[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTitle
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumGenre
[options] => 64
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTime
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCodec
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumBitrate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSource
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumZipContent
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[SCRIPT_NAME] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /index.php
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[query] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[path] => /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[an] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 578856
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[n] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
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[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
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[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
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[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
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[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
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[albumMP3FileList] =>
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[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[User] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[albums_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[r] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => registry Object
[rs_reg:registry:private] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => rs_registry Object
[no_urlkey] => 1
[sortkey] => 0
[no_ctime] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => KzFZ69
[index_field_name] => id
[fields] => Array
[0] => id
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => flacit
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #133
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #160
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1158787755
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.0033307075500488
[total_queries] => 5
[total_rows] => 0
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `Album_id` = 578856 AND `User_id` = ''
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[ac04273ddfc09ff1348afb46c7cb7597] => Array
[744cc6860061f6ed5465078d71a38926] => Array
[d2b1882ce22f6af15fbcd93ef76e92ad] => Array
[196a738dab30f8a4472d0fccc2544b00] => Array
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 578856 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => mysql
[id_field_name] => id
[db_tablename] => rs_registry
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => serial
[type] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[name] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[key] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[_ctime] => Array
[type] => date
[_mtime] => Array
[type] => date
[recordsets] => Array
[Objects] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[htmlforms] => Array
[type] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] => 1
[index] => true
[verbose_name] => type
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
[session] => session
[record] => record
[name] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => name
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[key] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => key
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[Objects_hash] => Array
[type] => hidden
[widget] => private
[validate] => dummyValid
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => fInt
[hidden] => true
[Objects] => Array
[type] => lMany2One
[linkname] => Objects
[hidden] => 1
[widget] =>
[verbose_name] => Objects
[validate] => dummyValid
[nulloption] =>
[options] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[type] => type
[name] => name
[key] => key
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[init_fields] => Array
[type] => fSelect options="session,record" required=true index=true
[name] => fString options="32" required=false index=true
[key] => fString options="32" required=true index=true
[Objects] => lMany2One rs_registry_objects:Registry required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry
[table_name] => rs_registry
[gs_connector_id] => mysql
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => KzFZ69
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => KzFZ69
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 3
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart_sum] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 0
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[q] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[k] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[a] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Kila
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 578856
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
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[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumID] => 578856
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
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[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
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[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
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[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
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[albumMP3FileList] =>
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[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
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[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[164508] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578972] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82456] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82455] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540883] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578861] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82453] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82452] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82451] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540884] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82450] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540885] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82449] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82448] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[145000] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
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[key] => 145000
[balance] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => $0.00
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[br] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => hideOnAllflac
[value] => 0
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[value] => 578856
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumMediaType
[2] => albumZipFilename
[3] => albumPerformer
[4] => albumTitle
[5] => albumDate
[6] => albumGenre
[7] => albumTime
[8] => albumCodec
[9] => albumBitrate
[10] => albumUserID
[11] => albumFileSize
[12] => albumViews
[13] => albumRank
[14] => albumCheckedTxt
[15] => albumTrackList
[16] => albumZipContent
[17] => albumAdditionalInfo
[18] => albumLogText
[19] => albumChecked
[20] => bitrate24Bit
[21] => albumMP3FileList
[22] => flacImg
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
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[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
[db_tablename] => Albums
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[albumID] => Array
[type] => serial
[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
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[type] => text
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[albumTrackList] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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['internet'] => 'internet'
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['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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['no'] => 'no'
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[type] => input
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
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[index] => true
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[freq] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 44.1
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[canDownload] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[i] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 8
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[j] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 7
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[p] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[disk_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[tracks] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_paging] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => <a id="curr" href="/album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017?others_paging=0">1</a>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others_count] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Kila
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 578856
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
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[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
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[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
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[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[db_scheme] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => date
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[recordsets] => Array
[htmlforms] => Array
[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 64
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
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[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[164508] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578972] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82456] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82455] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540883] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578861] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82453] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82452] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82451] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540884] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82450] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540885] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82449] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82448] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[145000] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
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[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 578856
[1] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
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[578856] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
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[1] => 578856
[2] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
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[2] => albumPerformer
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
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[albumTime] => 00:50:20
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
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[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
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[albumID] => 578972
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[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
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[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
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[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[float] => FLOAT
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[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
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[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
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[albumPerformer] => Kila
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[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[db_scheme] =>
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[albumID] => Array
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[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
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[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[albumUserID] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[max] => 255
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => Array
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[options] => 32
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
[db_tablename] => Albums
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[albumID] => Array
[type] => serial
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => input
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[type] => text
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[index] =>
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['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
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[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => input
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
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[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
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[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[case] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[value] => *:.
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
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[>] => Array
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[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
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[albumID] => 82456
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[albumID] => 82455
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[albumID] => 540883
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[albumPerformer] => Kila
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => serial required=true
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[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
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[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1400544777
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
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[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[1528f57d7e97f7d16bcdf0d4193bc2aa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
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[value] => =
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[value] => *:.
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[1] => 578856
[2] => Kila_Kila_Alive_2017
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[2] => albumPerformer
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
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[albumPerformer] => Kila
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[albumID] => 540883
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
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[query_options] => Array
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[albumID] => 578856
[albumHidden] => 0
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[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[total_time] => 0.011814117431641
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[db_scheme] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
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[index] => true
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[albumSource] => albumSource
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[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
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[albumID] => serial required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
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[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
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[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
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[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
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[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Mutatu
[1] => 1.02. Pota Óir
[2] => 1.03. Electric Landlady
[3] => 1.04. Babymouse
[4] => 1.05. Ór Agus Airgead
[5] => 1.07. Skinheads
[6] => 1.08. Raise the Road
[7] => 1.09. An Tiománaí
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
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[value] => =
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[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
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[>] => Array
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[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumID] => 578856
[00b8bb23d0063c49065bb9d646232def] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[e8ba79437465db4fc9969e1089462c38] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[81b377bbd90a590ba2138fd66d4e51f2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[7f569a035745e0f3bee38f83ef7c0a12] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[d3e878a02553d07fe1909722b6ae2008] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[12006a29ad259036c5d2e73944509c25] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578856
[a008f7b78b08c1f55209c752a48eba41] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578856
[2d90829777dfecad845808f2e8379f65] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578856
[1944f6cfcc0c3ef1709d39d04cfd4655] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumID] => 578856
[a70c61307d8eb440243e1f792122d9fa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578856
[fd1184a5b21a44dd1089a1f9b8dcd82d] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[2dfd2e948254b69cc51e0fa282038867] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578856
[a3e8d88731e93585ac50c43b9fc13074] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578856
[52598fcddd4bc26484a4aeaa4203c690] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578856
[ff798e201d1e430961bd3bca280ca37c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[8f0c141fe9d484c79f1660bcae4c926e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 00:50:20
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Sat Dec 21 16:07:46 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.07. Skinheads.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.01. Mutatu.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.03. Electric Landlady.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.05. Ór Agus Airgead.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.04. Babymouse.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.02. Pota Óir.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.09. An Tiománaí.flac OK
testing: Kila - Kila Alive 16-44.1 FLAC/1.08. Raise the Road.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Recorded at different locations around the world, Kíla bring their exciting, raw and emotionally charged music to disc with this live album Kíla Alive. From the explosive driving beats of the concert favourite An Tiománaí, to the tender brand new love song Babymouse, this album captures Kíla at their majestic best. The centre-piece of this album is the track featuring Polish chanteuse Kayah Am Reel. Recorded on the night of the Polska-Éire Festival in Vicar Street, the combination of Kayah's rich voice along with her backing singer Iwona's delicate harmonies, add an otherworldly texture to Kíla's sound. Joining Kíla for much of the recording is flautist extraordinaire, Alan Doherty from the band Aldoc. Alan is the whistle that played the tune on Lord of the Rings and he brings all his talents to this recording, soaring above the top line and improvising behind the backline! Kíla are well known for their innovation and their risk taking and this album is no exception. Three of the pieces were getting their first or second airing on stage and you can feel the musicians thinking on their feet, you can almost see them keeping close eyes on each other making sure that the right part is being played. Stand out tracks are Pota Óir Pot of Gold because we all know where to find our pots of gold! And Rónán Ó Snodaigh s much loved song Raise the Road - a complete guide to growing up for any parent.
1.01 - Kila - Mutatu (4:42)
1.02 - Kila - Pota Óir (5:39)
1.03 - Kila - Electric Landlady (4:46)
1.04 - Kila - Babymouse (4:02)
1.05 - Kila - Ór Agus Airgead (5:20)
1.07 - Kila - Skinheads (6:55)
1.08 - Kila - Raise the Road (3:26)
1.09 - Kila - An Tiománaí (4:54)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[469ac02297251767796913dcf920bbfa] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578856
[f947b9059ee4c824070ed0102624957a] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578856
[c92ed99c0d58d375097f623ff47ec6f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 901
[albumID] => 578856
[d4019bcf824059287f48f7bcb0a38a0c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578856
[575f8c9721db9c47536c5da7aadcdfb3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[86f4fca1ffefd0f49c8a959726a8839e] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 257.52
[albumID] => 578856
[98ee0e7d12ab44020658d4253288e266] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578856
[ba49b9dff746b16888eefd47533dd755] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[bb2162d1bfc24109bbf17eb4fc8254c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578856
[5fe5481dc74b946baea063d8ba9cef11] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[1c6b27b12374484942bd4ec60de05d37] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[47aa3b39a4c78fa44a4280357058fc3b] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578856/Kila_Kila_Alive_2017 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578856 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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