Related artists
0.000/0.0000 [gs_parser.process] > album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
0.000/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module_Albums:gs_base_handler.validate_gl
0.008/0.0078 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
0.008/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.008/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFLACFilename`,`albumTrackList`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.009/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.010/0.0014 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumStoreSubdir`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.011/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.011/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumUserLogin`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.011/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.011/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumZipFilename`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.012/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.012/0.0001 [gs_base_handler.validate_gl] > /home/adamsfile/
0.012/0.0000 [gs_base_handler.validate_gl] > albumTracks=---------------------------------
0.035/0.0229 [gs_base_handler.validate_gl] > 19
0.035/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139
0.036/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.036/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFLACFilename`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139
0.036/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.036/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumStoreSubdir`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139
0.036/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.037/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumUserLogin`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139
0.037/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.037/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumZipFilename`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139
0.037/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.038/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumTrackList`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139
0.038/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.038/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumPerformer`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139
0.039/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.039/0.0005 [gs_parser.process] > call validate_gl
0.039/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] >
0.039/0.0003 [] > /home/adamsfile/
0.039/0.0000 [] > Yes
0.039/0.0000 [] > /home/adamsfile/
0.039/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.multilang] > /home/adamsfile/
0.039/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.multilang] >
0.039/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.multilang] > /home/adamsfile/
0.040/0.0000 [] > /home/adamsfile/
0.040/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.fetch] > /home/adamsfile/
0.047/0.0072 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `bitrate24Bit`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.047/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.047/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumGenre`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.048/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.048/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumMediaType`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.048/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.050/0.0015 [gs_parser.process] > Users/checklogin/Users
0.050/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module_Users:gs_base_handler.check_login
0.053/0.0036 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
0.054/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.054/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `userID` FROM `Users` WHERE `userID` = '' ORDER BY userID
0.054/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.054/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call check_login
0.055/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.056/0.0016 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.056/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.057/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.057/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.057/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.057/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.057/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.057/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.058/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.058/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.058/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.058/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.058/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.058/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.059/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.059/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.059/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.059/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.059/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.059/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.060/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.060/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.060/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.060/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.060/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.060/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.061/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.061/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.061/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.061/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.061/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.061/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.062/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.062/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.062/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.062/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.062/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.062/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.063/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.063/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.063/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.064/0.0015 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `id` FROM `rs_registry` WHERE `type` = 'session' AND `key` = 'dGE7Fd'
0.066/0.0012 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.066/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `Registry_id`,`id` FROM `rs_registry_objects` WHERE `name` = 'cart' AND `Registry_id` IN ('')
0.067/0.0011 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.067/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumType`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.068/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.068/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter/show
0.068/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] >
0.068/0.0001 [gs_Smarty.fetch] > filters/like.html
0.069/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > call show
0.069/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0 AND `albumID` = 578139
0.070/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.071/0.0016 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID`,`albumMediaType`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumGenre`,`albumTime`,`albumCodec`,`albumBitrate`,`albumUserID`,`albumFileSize`,`albumViews`,`albumRank`,`albumCheckedTxt`,`albumTrackList`,`albumZipContent`,`albumAdditionalInfo`,`albumLogText`,`albumChecked`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3FileList`,`flacImg` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0 AND `albumID` = 578139
0.072/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.072/0.0002 [Smarty_Internal_Template.renderTemplate] > 0
0.072/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumCodec`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.073/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.073/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumChannels`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.073/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.073/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumBitrate`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.074/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.074/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFrequency`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.074/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.074/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFileSize`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.075/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.075/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 578139 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
0.076/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.076/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFileSize`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139
0.077/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.077/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `bitrate24Bit`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139
0.077/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.078/0.0006 [Smarty_Internal_Template.renderTemplate] > Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
0.078/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumMP3Status`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.078/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.080/0.0011 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumZipContent`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 578139 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.080/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.081/0.0007 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT count(*) as count FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
0.081/0.0009 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.082/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT count(*) as count FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139 AND `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
0.083/0.0008 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.083/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
0.084/0.0010 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 16 rows
0.091/0.0073 [gs_parser.process] > get/related/artists
0.091/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module_radio:site_handler.get_related_artists
0.095/0.0037 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
0.096/0.0011 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.096/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `Performer_id`,`similar_ids`,`id` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` = 'Kila' ORDER BY id
0.097/0.0010 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.098/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `Performer_id`,`similar_artists`,`id` FROM `similar_artists` WHERE `performer` = 'Kila' ORDER BY id
0.098/0.0007 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.099/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `name`,`id`,`Performer_id`,`image` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` IN () ORDER BY id
0.100/0.0013 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] >
0.100/0.0000 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] > EXCEPTION gs_dbd_exception
0.100/0.0000 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] > gs_dbdriver_mysql: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY id' at line 1 in query /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `name`,`id`,`Performer_id`,`image` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` IN () ORDER BY id
0.568/0.4682 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] > Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 414
[function] => query
[class] => gs_dbdriver_mysql
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT `name`,`id`,`Performer_id`,`image` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` IN () ORDER BY id
[1] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 377
[function] => select
[class] => gs_dbdriver_mysql
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => spotify
[1] => Array
[name] => Array
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => id
[2] => Performer_id
[3] => image
[2] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 223
[function] => load_records
[class] => gs_recordset_base
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[3] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 236
[function] => preload
[class] => gs_recordset_base
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[4] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 166
[function] => valid
[class] => gs_recordset_base
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[5] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 199
[function] => get_similar_by_artist
[class] => site_handler
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Kila
[6] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 159
[function] => get_related_artists
[class] => site_handler
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[last] => gs_null Object
[7] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 797
[function] => process
[class] => gs_parser
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[8] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 3
[function] => process_handler
[class] => gs_base_handler
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[gspgid] => /get/related/artists
[artist] => Kila
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[1] => Smarty_Internal_Template Object
[compiler_object] =>
[cacher_object] =>
[cache_id] =>
[compile_id] =>
[caching] =>
[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[cacher_class] =>
[caching_type] =>
[forceNocache] =>
[template_resource] => /home/adamsfile/
[resource_type] => file
[resource_name] => /home/adamsfile/
[isExisting:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1
[templateUid] => 4c31e9abb298e2d7e13ba7ff99128d1bda4dab98
[template_filepath] => /home/adamsfile/
[template_source] =>
[template_timestamp:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1728978935
[compiled_filepath:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => /home/adamsfile/
[compiled_template] =>
[compiled_timestamp:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1728978937
[mustCompile] =>
[suppressHeader] =>
[suppressFileDependency] =>
[has_nocache_code] =>
[write_compiled_code] => 1
[rendered_content] =>
[cached_filepath:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[cached_timestamp] =>
[isCached:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[cacheFileChecked:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[tpl_vars] => Array
[smarty] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[base_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[http_host] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_base_handler Object
[blocks:protected] =>
[data:protected] => Array
[gspgid] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgtype] => get
[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
[care_did] => 9bfb7937-3c5e-4ce3-8746-3ab997d2979c
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 578139
[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[params:protected] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[tpl_dir] => /home/adamsfile/
[subdir] => /Albums/
[www_subdir] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gssession] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[root_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /home/adamsfile/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_module_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[www_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsdata] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgtype] => get
[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
[care_did] => 9bfb7937-3c5e-4ce3-8746-3ab997d2979c
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 578139
[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsparams] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsstack] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[float] => FLOAT
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[set] => SET {v}
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[bool] => BOOL
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[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumGenre
[options] => 64
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTime
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCodec
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumBitrate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSource
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumZipContent
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
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[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[SCRIPT_NAME] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /index.php
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[query] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[path] => /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[an] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 578139
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[n] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
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[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[User] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[albums_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[r] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => registry Object
[rs_reg:registry:private] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => rs_registry Object
[no_urlkey] => 1
[sortkey] => 0
[no_ctime] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => dGE7Fd
[index_field_name] => id
[fields] => Array
[0] => id
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => flacit
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #133
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #160
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1315881714
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.0033667087554932
[total_queries] => 5
[total_rows] => 0
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `Album_id` = 578139 AND `User_id` = ''
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[ac04273ddfc09ff1348afb46c7cb7597] => Array
[fb09848cba7170d069c99780573dfcb0] => Array
[d2b1882ce22f6af15fbcd93ef76e92ad] => Array
[26a46f014120b79725c9c474311c1d18] => Array
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 578139 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => mysql
[id_field_name] => id
[db_tablename] => rs_registry
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => serial
[type] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[name] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[key] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[_ctime] => Array
[type] => date
[_mtime] => Array
[type] => date
[recordsets] => Array
[Objects] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[htmlforms] => Array
[type] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] => 1
[index] => true
[verbose_name] => type
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
[session] => session
[record] => record
[name] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => name
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[key] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => key
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[Objects_hash] => Array
[type] => hidden
[widget] => private
[validate] => dummyValid
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => fInt
[hidden] => true
[Objects] => Array
[type] => lMany2One
[linkname] => Objects
[hidden] => 1
[widget] =>
[verbose_name] => Objects
[validate] => dummyValid
[nulloption] =>
[options] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[type] => type
[name] => name
[key] => key
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[init_fields] => Array
[type] => fSelect options="session,record" required=true index=true
[name] => fString options="32" required=false index=true
[key] => fString options="32" required=true index=true
[Objects] => lMany2One rs_registry_objects:Registry required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry
[table_name] => rs_registry
[gs_connector_id] => mysql
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => dGE7Fd
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => dGE7Fd
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 3
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart_sum] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 0
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[q] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[k] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[a] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Kila
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 578139
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[keywords] => 0
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[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[164508] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578972] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82456] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82455] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540883] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578861] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82453] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82452] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82451] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540884] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82450] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540885] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82449] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82448] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[145000] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[key] => 145000
[balance] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => $0.00
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[br] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => hideOnAllflac
[value] => 0
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[value] => 578139
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumMediaType
[2] => albumZipFilename
[3] => albumPerformer
[4] => albumTitle
[5] => albumDate
[6] => albumGenre
[7] => albumTime
[8] => albumCodec
[9] => albumBitrate
[10] => albumUserID
[11] => albumFileSize
[12] => albumViews
[13] => albumRank
[14] => albumCheckedTxt
[15] => albumTrackList
[16] => albumZipContent
[17] => albumAdditionalInfo
[18] => albumLogText
[19] => albumChecked
[20] => bitrate24Bit
[21] => albumMP3FileList
[22] => flacImg
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
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[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
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[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[db_scheme] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => date
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[albumUserID] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[max] => 255
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[max] => 255
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[freq] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 44.1
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[canDownload] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[i] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 17
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[j] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[p] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[disk_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[tracks] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_paging] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => <a id="curr" href="/album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000?others_paging=0">1</a>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others_count] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Kila
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 578139
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
[db_tablename] => Albums
[db_scheme] =>
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[fields] => Array
[albumID] => Array
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[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
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[options] => 255
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[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => date
[multilang] =>
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[recordsets] => Array
[htmlforms] => Array
[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[min] => 1
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[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumTitle
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumGenre
[options] => 64
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumTime
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCodec
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[164508] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578972] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82456] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82455] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540883] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578861] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82453] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82452] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82451] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540884] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82450] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540885] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82449] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[145000] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
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[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
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[0] => 578139
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[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[0] => album
[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[2] => albumPerformer
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[4] => albumDate
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[total_queries] => 30
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[_sql:protected] =>
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
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[albumGenre] => Folk
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[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
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[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
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[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
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[0] => Array
[count] => 16
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
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[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
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[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
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[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[db_scheme] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[albumVoteUsers] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
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['deleted'] => 'deleted'
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[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
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[value] => get/related/artists
[nocache] =>
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[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
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[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 578139
[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_a] => Array
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[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
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[value] => get/related/artists
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[gspgid_root] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
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[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => Kila
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[class] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[case] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => =
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[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
[nocache] =>
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[value] => search
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
[nocache] =>
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[label] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
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[gspgid] => filter/show
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[tpl] => like.html
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[gspgid] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
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[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
[care_did] => 9bfb7937-3c5e-4ce3-8746-3ab997d2979c
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 578139
[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
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[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
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[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
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[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
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[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
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[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
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[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[578139] => gs_record Object
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
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[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[value] => *:.
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[nocache] =>
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
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[>] => Array
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[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
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[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
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[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
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[gspgid] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => get/related/artists
[nocache] =>
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[assign] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => User
[nocache] =>
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[gspgdata_form] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[gspgtype] => get
[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
[care_did] => 9bfb7937-3c5e-4ce3-8746-3ab997d2979c
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 578139
[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_root] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[handler_key_root] => album
[gspgid_handler] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_handler_va] => Array
[0] => 578139
[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[handler_params] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => Kila
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[gspgid_form] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => get/related/artists
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[gspgid_handler] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[gspgid_root] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[handler_params] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => Kila
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[class] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => like
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => search
[nocache] =>
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[value] => get
[nocache] =>
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[limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[fields] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => albumChannels
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[case] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => =
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[modify] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[value] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[current] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[keyname] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => search
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[prelabel] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[label] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[params] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => filter/show
[name] => search
[tpl] => like.html
[placeholder] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[artist] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Kila
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[value] => artist_related.html
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[__tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => album_related.html
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[registered_resources] => Array
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[template_class] => Smarty_Internal_Template
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[fbd86cd5fde58d3951488c4526ad0a8d] => Smarty_Internal_Template Object
[a2b14ccd9c3cdf3535f76f9d8678df37] => Smarty_Internal_Template Object
[compiler_object] =>
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[resource_type] => file
[resource_name] => filters/like.html
[isExisting:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1
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[template_source] =>
[template_timestamp:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1330688771
[compiled_filepath:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => /home/adamsfile/
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[value] =>
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[value] => /
[nocache] =>
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[http_host] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[value] => like.html
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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[value] => /Users/
[nocache] =>
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[www_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Users/
[nocache] =>
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[_gsdata] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgtype] => get
[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
[care_did] => 9bfb7937-3c5e-4ce3-8746-3ab997d2979c
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 578139
[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsstack] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
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[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
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[albumBitrate] => 819
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[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
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[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
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[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
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[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
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[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
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[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
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[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
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[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
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[index] => true
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[albumFLACFilename] => Array
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[albumMtime] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[albumChannels] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
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[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
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[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
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[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => =
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[value] => *:.
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[1] => 578139
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[2] => albumPerformer
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
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[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
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[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
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[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
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[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
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[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
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[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
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[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
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[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
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[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
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[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[SCRIPT_NAME] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /index.php
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[query] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[path] => /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[an] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 578139
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[n] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
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[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
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[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
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[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
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[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
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[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
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[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[db_scheme] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
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[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[min] => 1
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumVoteUsers] => Array
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[User] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[albums_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[r] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => registry Object
[rs_reg:registry:private] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => rs_registry Object
[no_urlkey] => 1
[sortkey] => 0
[no_ctime] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => dGE7Fd
[index_field_name] => id
[fields] => Array
[0] => id
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => flacit
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #133
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #160
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1315881714
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.0033667087554932
[total_queries] => 5
[total_rows] => 0
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `Album_id` = 578139 AND `User_id` = ''
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[ac04273ddfc09ff1348afb46c7cb7597] => Array
[fb09848cba7170d069c99780573dfcb0] => Array
[d2b1882ce22f6af15fbcd93ef76e92ad] => Array
[26a46f014120b79725c9c474311c1d18] => Array
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 578139 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => mysql
[id_field_name] => id
[db_tablename] => rs_registry
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => serial
[type] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[name] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[key] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[_ctime] => Array
[type] => date
[_mtime] => Array
[type] => date
[recordsets] => Array
[Objects] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[htmlforms] => Array
[type] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] => 1
[index] => true
[verbose_name] => type
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
[session] => session
[record] => record
[name] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => name
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[key] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => key
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[Objects_hash] => Array
[type] => hidden
[widget] => private
[validate] => dummyValid
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => fInt
[hidden] => true
[Objects] => Array
[type] => lMany2One
[linkname] => Objects
[hidden] => 1
[widget] =>
[verbose_name] => Objects
[validate] => dummyValid
[nulloption] =>
[options] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[type] => type
[name] => name
[key] => key
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[init_fields] => Array
[type] => fSelect options="session,record" required=true index=true
[name] => fString options="32" required=false index=true
[key] => fString options="32" required=true index=true
[Objects] => lMany2One rs_registry_objects:Registry required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry
[table_name] => rs_registry
[gs_connector_id] => mysql
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => dGE7Fd
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => dGE7Fd
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 3
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart_sum] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 0
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[q] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[k] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[a] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Kila
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 578139
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
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[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
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[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[164508] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578972] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82456] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82455] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540883] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578861] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82453] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82452] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82451] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540884] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82450] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540885] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82449] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82448] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[145000] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[key] => 145000
[balance] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => $0.00
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[br] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => hideOnAllflac
[value] => 0
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[value] => 578139
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumMediaType
[2] => albumZipFilename
[3] => albumPerformer
[4] => albumTitle
[5] => albumDate
[6] => albumGenre
[7] => albumTime
[8] => albumCodec
[9] => albumBitrate
[10] => albumUserID
[11] => albumFileSize
[12] => albumViews
[13] => albumRank
[14] => albumCheckedTxt
[15] => albumTrackList
[16] => albumZipContent
[17] => albumAdditionalInfo
[18] => albumLogText
[19] => albumChecked
[20] => bitrate24Bit
[21] => albumMP3FileList
[22] => flacImg
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
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[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCodec
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumBitrate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSource
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumZipContent
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[freq] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 44.1
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[canDownload] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[i] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 17
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[j] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[p] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[disk_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[tracks] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_paging] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => <a id="curr" href="/album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000?others_paging=0">1</a>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others_count] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Kila
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 578139
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[set] => SET {v}
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[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[options] => 32
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[min] => 1
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[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
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[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
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['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[164508] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578972] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82456] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82455] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540883] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578861] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82453] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82452] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82451] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540884] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82450] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540885] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82449] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82448] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[145000] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
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[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
[care_did] => 9bfb7937-3c5e-4ce3-8746-3ab997d2979c
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[0] => 578139
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[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[0] => album
[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
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[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
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[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[total_queries] => 30
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[_sql:protected] =>
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
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[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
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[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
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[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[2] => albumPerformer
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
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[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
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[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
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[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
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[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
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[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
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[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[db_scheme] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
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[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[min] => 1
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumVoteUsers] => Array
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
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[parent_record] =>
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[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
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[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
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[value] => filter/show
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[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
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[gspgid_v] => 578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_va] => Array
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[gspgid_handler_va] => Array
[0] => 578139
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[value] => *:.
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
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[albumID] => 578139
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[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
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[0] => Array
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[0] => Array
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[albumID] => 578139
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[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
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[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
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[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
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[albumBitrate] => 819
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[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
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[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
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[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
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[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
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[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
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[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
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[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
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[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
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[index] => true
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[albumFLACFilename] => Array
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[albumMtime] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[albumChannels] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[gmessages] => Array
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[value] => get/related/artists
[nocache] =>
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[value] => User
[nocache] =>
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[gspgid] => get/related/artists
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[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
[care_did] => 9bfb7937-3c5e-4ce3-8746-3ab997d2979c
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 578139
[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_a] => Array
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[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[gspgid_form] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => get/related/artists
[nocache] =>
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[value] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[gspgid_root] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
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[handler_params] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => Kila
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[class] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => like
[nocache] =>
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[value] => search
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[fields] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => albumChannels
[nocache] =>
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[case] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[modify] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
[nocache] =>
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[value] => search
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[label] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
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[gspgid] => filter/show
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[tpl] => like.html
[placeholder] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[artist] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Kila
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[__tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[value] => /Users/
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[gspgid] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
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[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
[care_did] => 9bfb7937-3c5e-4ce3-8746-3ab997d2979c
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 578139
[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsstack] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
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[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
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[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
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[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
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[albumID] => 578856
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[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[578139] => gs_record Object
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
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[albumGenre] => Folk
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[albumFileSize] => 221.32
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[2] => albumPerformer
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
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[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
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[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
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[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
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[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[SCRIPT_NAME] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /index.php
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[query] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[path] => /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[an] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 578139
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[n] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[578139] => gs_record Object
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[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
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[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[User] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[albums_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[r] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => registry Object
[rs_reg:registry:private] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => rs_registry Object
[no_urlkey] => 1
[sortkey] => 0
[no_ctime] => 0
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[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[type] => session
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[index_field_name] => id
[fields] => Array
[0] => id
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
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[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => flacit
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #133
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #160
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1315881714
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.0033667087554932
[total_queries] => 5
[total_rows] => 0
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `Album_id` = 578139 AND `User_id` = ''
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
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[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
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[ac04273ddfc09ff1348afb46c7cb7597] => Array
[fb09848cba7170d069c99780573dfcb0] => Array
[d2b1882ce22f6af15fbcd93ef76e92ad] => Array
[26a46f014120b79725c9c474311c1d18] => Array
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 578139 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => mysql
[id_field_name] => id
[db_tablename] => rs_registry
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => serial
[type] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[name] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[key] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[default] => 0
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[type] => date
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[type] => date
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[Objects] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
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[type] => many
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[counter_linkname] => Registry
[htmlforms] => Array
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[type] => Select
[hidden] => 1
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[validate] => notEmpty
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[name] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
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[verbose_name] => name
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[key] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => key
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[Objects_hash] => Array
[type] => hidden
[widget] => private
[validate] => dummyValid
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => fInt
[hidden] => true
[Objects] => Array
[type] => lMany2One
[linkname] => Objects
[hidden] => 1
[widget] =>
[verbose_name] => Objects
[validate] => dummyValid
[nulloption] =>
[options] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
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[counter_linkname] => Registry
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[type] => type
[name] => name
[key] => key
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[init_fields] => Array
[type] => fSelect options="session,record" required=true index=true
[name] => fString options="32" required=false index=true
[key] => fString options="32" required=true index=true
[Objects] => lMany2One rs_registry_objects:Registry required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry
[table_name] => rs_registry
[gs_connector_id] => mysql
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => dGE7Fd
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => dGE7Fd
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 3
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart_sum] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 0
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[q] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[k] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[a] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Kila
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 578139
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
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[0] => Array
[count] => 16
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[164508] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578972] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82456] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82455] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540883] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578861] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82453] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82452] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82451] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540884] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82450] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540885] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82449] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82448] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[145000] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[key] => 145000
[balance] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => $0.00
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[br] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => hideOnAllflac
[value] => 0
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[value] => 578139
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumMediaType
[2] => albumZipFilename
[3] => albumPerformer
[4] => albumTitle
[5] => albumDate
[6] => albumGenre
[7] => albumTime
[8] => albumCodec
[9] => albumBitrate
[10] => albumUserID
[11] => albumFileSize
[12] => albumViews
[13] => albumRank
[14] => albumCheckedTxt
[15] => albumTrackList
[16] => albumZipContent
[17] => albumAdditionalInfo
[18] => albumLogText
[19] => albumChecked
[20] => bitrate24Bit
[21] => albumMP3FileList
[22] => flacImg
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
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[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
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[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
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[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
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[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
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[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[freq] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 44.1
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[canDownload] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[i] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 17
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[j] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[p] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[disk_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[tracks] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_paging] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => <a id="curr" href="/album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000?others_paging=0">1</a>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others_count] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Kila
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 578139
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
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[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
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[albumID] => 578139
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
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[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
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[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
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[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
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[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumZipContent
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578856] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[164508] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578972] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82456] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82455] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540883] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[578861] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82453] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82452] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82451] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540884] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82450] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[540885] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82449] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[82448] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[145000] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
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[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[index_field_name] => albumID
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[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
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[total_queries] => 30
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
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[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
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[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
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[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
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[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
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[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
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[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
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[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
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[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[hidden] =>
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
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[index] =>
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[albumMtime] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[albumChannels] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[albumFrequency] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[fkeys] => Array
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[578139] => gs_record Object
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[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
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[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
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[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
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[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[2] => albumPerformer
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[578139] => gs_record Object
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
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[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
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[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[db_scheme] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
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[type] => varchar
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
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[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isDate
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[options] => 32
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => filter/show
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[nocache] =>
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[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_a] => Array
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[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_root] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[handler_key_root] => album
[gspgid_handler] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_handler_va] => Array
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[tpl] => like.html
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[nocache] =>
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[gspgid_form] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[nocache] =>
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[gspgid_root] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
[nocache] =>
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[gspgid] => filter/show
[name] => search
[tpl] => like.html
[placeholder] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[class] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => get
[nocache] =>
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[limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[fields] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => albumChannels
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[case] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[gspgid_handler_va] => Array
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => Kila
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
[params:protected] => Array
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[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
[care_did] => 9bfb7937-3c5e-4ce3-8746-3ab997d2979c
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[0] => 578139
[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[index_field_name] => albumID
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[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
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[4] => albumDate
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[bool] => BOOL
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[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
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[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
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[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
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[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
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[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
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[db_scheme] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[albumUserID] => Array
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
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['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[578139] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[gspgid] => album/578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
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[fikker-61vm-nk2N] => MgPGRI6oXLV7DSLWJk4y6wNi63F1ZE0E
[care_did] => 9bfb7937-3c5e-4ce3-8746-3ab997d2979c
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[gspgid_v] => 578139/Kila_Monkey_2000
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[0] => 578139
[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[id_field_name] => albumID
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[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
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[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
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[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
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[float] => FLOAT
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[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
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[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 2067702521
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013190507888794
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Kila' AND `albumID` != 578139
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[da55e83db49b98649d57401c987af1f7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[caa9c7dc9037f8b099e371f3c4ef3ed3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[30bc497cfd1974029ea78cc5ee85d2ba] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[b7b86f1165d64fcb784054985fdab2c8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[2737c382fce148804dd9841bbe35deee] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumID] => 578139
[85443e679a614f037aa1bd2089dea258] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumID] => 578139
[01369a49c57993292c8b264ccf8f8c74] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[211165e4a111adf72cfb40ee4138f1ce] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumID] => 578139
[a757e0ee5ba96a7b99d91fb29dc9a467] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumID] => 578139
[9f56c5fd926e455f36b39248514e24b4] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 578139
[d82aeae3e4572ca1eb4f8db228962f1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[1716c8ed8d5bcaf18a11fa5234a0b6dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[albumMediaType] => CD
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumGenre] => Folk
[albumTime] => 37:53
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumUserID] => 17
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumViews] => 0
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Wed Dec 18 00:38:56 MSK 2024
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/ OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.10. Buddha Waltz.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.07. The Dragon.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.15. Tripitaka Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.03. The Peach Garden.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.06. China In Turmoil.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.02. The Monkey Song.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.04. Emperor's Court.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.16. Travelling Home.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.05. Travelling Begins.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.13. The Underwater Covenant.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/folder.jpg OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.14. Walk Of Peril.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.01. Monkey Rumble.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.11. Cliffs Of Despair.flac OK
testing: Kila - Monkey FLAC/1.09. Yama And Friends.flac OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumAdditionalInfo] =>
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[4d98281a8a1dda1ac1825a6cb5afc15d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 578139
[fd9d8a25f43715538bebb36e4730f8fb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 578139
[2d93564ea408ade6cff4d0da21ab8a30] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 819
[albumID] => 578139
[9e031ea880b0735da88e9d898b449cae] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 578139
[082548d17e7b25b2b22bb4b8b00ab092] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[89bffa118fc07c600a21ff4810347834] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 221.32
[albumID] => 578139
[ab2c9c99f972b917ae081dfcf991cd09] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 578139
[865ae4f5de1bba7bc0f2ce8241bcd7c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[4c2e58e7bfba7660dbfd69b7a019d0de] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[6addaf63ec46bdef80a8b5edd97fedf1] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[088cbfe96fba2ab8f0b23754e61bc1ab] => Array
[0] => Array
[count] => 16
[b8265de7f0cd61deb3a6c67c90a741c5] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578856
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2017-Kila_Alive/Kila-Kila_Alive-2017-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila Alive
[albumDate] => 2017
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 164508
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Si_Os/Kila-Suas_Si_Os-2015-(FLAC-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 578972
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2015-Suas_Sios/Kila-Suas_Sios-2015-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Suas Sios
[albumDate] => 2015
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 82456
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2010-Soisin/Kila-Soisin-2010-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Soisin
[albumDate] => 2010
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 82455
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers_Ballet/Kila-Gamblers_Ballet-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 540883
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2007-Gamblers__Ballet/Kila-Gamblers__Ballet-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Gamblers' Ballet
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 578861
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2006-Kila___Oki/Kila-Kila___Oki-2006-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Kila & OKI
[albumDate] => 2006
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 82453
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2003-Luna_Park/Kila-Luna_Park-2003-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Luna Park
[albumDate] => 2003
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 82452
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2001-Monkey_/Kila-Monkey_-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey!
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 82451
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Lemonade___Buns/Kila-Lemonade___Buns-2000-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade & Buns
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 540884
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1999-Lemonade_And_Buns/Kila-Lemonade_And_Buns-1999-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Lemonade And Buns
[albumDate] => 1999
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 82450
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1998-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1998-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1998
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 540885
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1996-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E/Kila-Tog_E_Go_Bog_E-1996-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Tog E Go Bog E
[albumDate] => 1996
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 82449
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1995-Mind_The_Gap/Kila-Mind_The_Gap-1995-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Mind The Gap
[albumDate] => 1995
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 82448
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/1992-Handels_Fantasy/Kila-Handels_Fantasy-1992-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Handels Fantasy
[albumDate] => 1992
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 145000
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2004-Live_In_Dublin/Kila-Live_In_Dublin-2004-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Live In Dublin
[albumDate] => 2004
[albumType] => Live album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[_que] =>
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[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
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[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 1.01. Monkey Rumble
[1] => 1.02. The Monkey Song
[2] => 1.03. The Peach Garden
[3] => 1.04. Emperor's Court
[4] => 1.05. Travelling Begins
[5] => 1.06. China In Turmoil
[6] => 1.07. The Dragon
[7] => 1.08. Rowing In Dragon Skin
[8] => 1.09. Yama And Friends
[9] => 1.10. Buddha Waltz
[10] => 1.11. Cliffs Of Despair
[11] => 1.12. The Journey Of Enlightenment
[12] => 1.13. The Underwater Covenant
[13] => 1.14. Walk Of Peril
[14] => 1.15. Tripitaka Rumble
[15] => 1.16. Travelling Home
[16] => 1.17. A Waltz to Eastern Heaven
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[value] => =
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[value] => *:.
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[1] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[578139] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[1] => 578139
[2] => Kila_Monkey_2000
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => Inspired by the sixteenth century Chinese folkloric tale of the magic Monkey King and the many literary works that echo that tale, Monkey! is an unlikely project from the Irish band Kila. While they do a respectable job of recreating moody Asian music suitable for a cinematographic production, the music on this album doesn't actually accompany a film. Perhaps in the collective minds of Kila there exists a coherent picture but until one actually materializes the listener will somehow have to make sense of the ethereal Asian soundscapes sprinkled with minimalist rock and traditional Irish music. Less than a handful of the 17 tracks even remotely resemble anything that Kila has recorded in the past, and that similarity has more to do with their use of frenzied rhythms and not their use of traditional Irish instruments coupled with their erstwhile unique arrangements. Interesting yes, but hardly reflective of the innovative sound that has adorned the recordings of Kila in the past. ~ Dave Sleger
1.01 - Kila - Monkey Rumble (2:33)
1.02 - Kila - The Monkey Song (2:28)
1.03 - Kila - The Peach Garden (2:32)
1.04 - Kila - Emperor's Court (1:24)
1.05 - Kila - Travelling Begins (2:09)
1.06 - Kila - China In Turmoil (2:01)
1.07 - Kila - The Dragon (1:51)
1.08 - Kila - Rowing In Dragon Skin (1:12)
1.09 - Kila - Yama And Friends (1:49)
1.10 - Kila - Buddha Waltz (2:49)
1.11 - Kila - Cliffs Of Despair (2:18)
1.12 - Kila - The Journey Of Enlightenment (2:17)
1.13 - Kila - The Underwater Covenant (2:10)
1.14 - Kila - Walk Of Peril (3:36)
1.15 - Kila - Tripitaka Rumble (1:34)
1.16 - Kila - Travelling Home (2:04)
1.17 - Kila - A Waltz to Eastern Heaven (3:15)
[albumPerformer] => Kila
[albumTitle] => Monkey
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumID] => 578139
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[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] => 578139
[5100cdabb07f44fdaadc19ba04ce9177] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Debugger
[albumID] => 578139
[0ee5a18f7609d2fae4f3a8891d9e79f6] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Kila/2000-Monkey/Kila-Monkey-2000-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 578139
[34b15dd0147aa756d1ef51681c0ae167] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 578139
[6f5a0b6ea3f411684d14278178df91eb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 578139
[985c27a9ac422d210cece1d81bc1e616] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /24TB08b/
[albumID] =>