More Bach, Please!
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96 kHz
Size 1198.46 Mb

More Bach, Please! '2024

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Play List

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  • MP3 320 kbps
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
01. Overture in the French Style in B Minor, BWV 831 I. Ouverture
02. Overture in the French Style in B Minor, BWV 831 II. Courante
03. Overture in the French Style in B Minor, BWV 831 III. Gavotte I - Gavotte II
04. Overture in the French Style in B Minor, BWV 831 IV. Passepied I - Passepied II
05. Overture in the French Style in B Minor, BWV 831 V. Sarabande
06. Overture in the French Style in B Minor, BWV 831 VI. Bourrée I - Bourrée II
07. Overture in the French Style in B Minor, BWV 831 VII. Gigue
08. Overture in the French Style in B Minor, BWV 831 VIII. Echo
09. Partita for Traverso, Strings and Basso Continuo in D Major I. Adagio
10. Partita for Traverso, Strings and Basso Continuo in D Major II. Aria I
11. Partita for Traverso, Strings and Basso Continuo in D Major III. Minuetto I - Minuetto II
12. Partita for Traverso, Strings and Basso Continuo in D Major IV. Aria II
13. Partita for Traverso, Strings and Basso Continuo in D Major V. Giga
14. Overture for Strings and Basso Continuo in G Major I. Ouverture
15. Overture for Strings and Basso Continuo in G Major II. Entrée
16. Overture for Strings and Basso Continuo in G Major III. Aria I
17. Overture for Strings and Basso Continuo in G Major IV. Bourrée
18. Overture for Strings and Basso Continuo in G Major V. Minuet
19. Overture for Strings and Basso Continuo in G Major VI. Aria II
20. Overture for Strings and Basso Continuo in G Major VII. Gavotte
21. Overture for Strings and Basso Continuo in G Major VIII. Gigue

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