Carved In Stone
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FormatFLAC Stereo 967 Kbps /
44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Size 135.00 Mb

Carved In Stone '1995

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Track list

01. (00:03:52) Vince Neil - Breakin' In The Gun
02. (00:04:17) Vince Neil - The Crawl
03. (00:03:51) Vince Neil - One Way
04. (00:04:52) Vince Neil - Black Promises
05. (00:04:58) Vince Neil - Skylar's Song
06. (00:04:02) Vince Neil - Make U Feel
07. (00:04:50) Vince Neil - Writing On The Wall
08. (00:04:55) Vince Neil - Find A Dream
09. (00:03:36) Vince Neil - One Less Mouth To Feed
10. (00:03:57) Vince Neil - The Rift

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