Midway to Bayamon
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FormatFLAC Stereo 1420 Kbps /
44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Size 491.09 Mb

Midway to Bayamon '2014

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Play List

01-Wise Blood-Tom Russell
  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
01-Wise Blood-Tom Russell
02-As the Crow Flies-Tom Russell
03-The Lady Loves the Gambler-Tom Russell
04-Listen to the Heart-Tom Russell
05-The Dance-Tom Russell
06-Mezcal-Tom Russell
07-Amelia's Railroad Flat-Tom Russell
08-A Cajun Lullaby-Tom Russell
09-Heartland-Tom Russell
10-La Galue -Tom Russell
11-The Road to Bayamon-Tom Russell
12-Home before Dark-Tom Russell
13-Navajo Rug-Tom Russell
14-Love Makes a Fool of the Wise-Tom Russell
15-Joshua Tree-Tom Russell
16-Juarez, a Polka Town-Tom Russell
17-Common Strangers-Tom Russell
18-The Definition of a Fool-Tom Russell
19-Denver Wind -Tom Russell
20-Follow Your Heartbeat-Tom Russell
21-Whistlin' in the Dark-Tom Russell
22-Lights of Oslo-Tom Russell
23-Honkytonk Heart-Tom Russell
24-U.S. Steel-Tom Russell
25-William Faulkner in Hollywood-Tom Russell

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