Spirited Away
Related artists
Country2020 Remastered
Format 24bit FLAC Stereo 4711 Kbps /
192 kHz
Size 2312.69 Mb

Spirited Away '2001

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Play List

  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 192 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 192 kHz
A1 - One Summer's Day
A2 - A Road To Somewhere
A3 - The Empty Restaurant
A4 - Nighttime Coming
A5 - The Dragon Boy
A6 - Sootballs
A7 - Procession Of The Spirits
A8 - Yubaba
B1 - Bathhouse Morning
B2 - Day Of The River
B3 - It's Hard Work
B4 - The Stink Spirit
B5 - Sen's Courage
B6 - The Bottomless Pit
B7 - Kaonashi
C1 - The Sixth Station
C2 - Yubaba's Panic
C3 - The House At Swamp Bottom
C4 - Reprise
C5 - The Return
C6 - Always With Me

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