Related artists
0.000/0.0000 [gs_parser.process] > album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
0.000/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module_Albums:gs_base_handler.validate_gl
0.008/0.0075 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
0.008/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.008/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFLACFilename`,`albumTrackList`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.008/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.010/0.0013 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumStoreSubdir`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.010/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.010/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumUserLogin`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.011/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.011/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumZipFilename`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.011/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.011/0.0001 [gs_base_handler.validate_gl] > /home/adamsfile/
0.011/0.0000 [gs_base_handler.validate_gl] > albumTracks=---------------------------------
0.030/0.0185 [gs_base_handler.validate_gl] > 11
0.030/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909
0.030/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.031/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFLACFilename`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909
0.031/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.031/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumStoreSubdir`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909
0.031/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.031/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumUserLogin`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909
0.032/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.032/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumZipFilename`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909
0.032/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.032/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumTrackList`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909
0.033/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.033/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumPerformer`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909
0.033/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.033/0.0002 [gs_parser.process] > call validate_gl
0.033/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] >
0.033/0.0003 [] > /home/adamsfile/
0.033/0.0000 [] > Yes
0.033/0.0000 [] > /home/adamsfile/
0.033/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.multilang] > /home/adamsfile/
0.033/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.multilang] >
0.033/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.multilang] > /home/adamsfile/
0.034/0.0000 [] > /home/adamsfile/
0.034/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.fetch] > /home/adamsfile/
0.040/0.0062 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `bitrate24Bit`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.040/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.040/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumGenre`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.041/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.041/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumMediaType`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.041/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.042/0.0011 [gs_parser.process] > Users/checklogin/Users
0.042/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module_Users:gs_base_handler.check_login
0.045/0.0033 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
0.046/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.046/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `userID` FROM `Users` WHERE `userID` = '' ORDER BY userID
0.046/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.046/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call check_login
0.046/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.048/0.0015 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.048/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.048/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.048/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.049/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.049/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.049/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.049/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.049/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.049/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.050/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.050/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.050/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.050/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.050/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.050/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.050/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.051/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.051/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.051/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.051/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.051/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.051/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.052/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.052/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.052/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.052/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.052/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.052/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.053/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.053/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.053/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.053/0.0003 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.053/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.053/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.054/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.054/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.054/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.054/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.054/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.054/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.060/0.0054 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `id` FROM `rs_registry` WHERE `type` = 'session' AND `key` = 'SZEYjb'
0.060/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.061/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `Registry_id`,`id` FROM `rs_registry_objects` WHERE `name` = 'cart' AND `Registry_id` IN ('')
0.061/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.062/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumType`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.062/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.062/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter/show
0.062/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] >
0.063/0.0001 [gs_Smarty.fetch] > filters/like.html
0.063/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > call show
0.063/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0 AND `albumID` = 438909
0.064/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.065/0.0016 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID`,`albumMediaType`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumGenre`,`albumTime`,`albumCodec`,`albumBitrate`,`albumUserID`,`albumFileSize`,`albumViews`,`albumRank`,`albumCheckedTxt`,`albumTrackList`,`albumZipContent`,`albumAdditionalInfo`,`albumLogText`,`albumChecked`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3FileList`,`flacImg` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0 AND `albumID` = 438909
0.066/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.066/0.0002 [Smarty_Internal_Template.renderTemplate] > 0
0.066/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumCodec`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.067/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.067/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumChannels`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.067/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.067/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumBitrate`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.068/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.068/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFrequency`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.068/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.068/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFileSize`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.069/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.069/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 438909 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
0.069/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.070/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFileSize`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909
0.070/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.070/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `bitrate24Bit`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909
0.071/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.071/0.0005 [Smarty_Internal_Template.renderTemplate] > Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
0.071/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumMP3Status`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.072/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.072/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumZipContent`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 438909 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.072/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.073/0.0007 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT count(*) as count FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
0.075/0.0016 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.002 secounds, 1 rows
0.075/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT count(*) as count FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909 AND `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
0.076/0.0014 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.077/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
0.078/0.0017 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.002 secounds, 16 rows
0.085/0.0069 [gs_parser.process] > get/related/artists
0.085/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module_radio:site_handler.get_related_artists
0.088/0.0033 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
0.089/0.0010 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.090/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `Performer_id`,`similar_ids`,`id` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` = 'The Cult' ORDER BY id
0.250/0.1603 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.160 secounds, 1 rows
0.251/0.0010 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `Performer_id`,`similar_artists`,`id` FROM `similar_artists` WHERE `performer` = 'The Cult' ORDER BY id
0.252/0.0011 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.252/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `name`,`id`,`Performer_id`,`image` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` IN () ORDER BY id
0.253/0.0007 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] >
0.253/0.0000 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] > EXCEPTION gs_dbd_exception
0.253/0.0000 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] > gs_dbdriver_mysql: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY id' at line 1 in query /* /album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985 */ SELECT `name`,`id`,`Performer_id`,`image` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` IN () ORDER BY id
0.749/0.4959 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] > Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 414
[function] => query
[class] => gs_dbdriver_mysql
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT `name`,`id`,`Performer_id`,`image` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` IN () ORDER BY id
[1] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 377
[function] => select
[class] => gs_dbdriver_mysql
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => spotify
[1] => Array
[name] => Array
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => id
[2] => Performer_id
[3] => image
[2] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 223
[function] => load_records
[class] => gs_recordset_base
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[3] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 236
[function] => preload
[class] => gs_recordset_base
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[4] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 166
[function] => valid
[class] => gs_recordset_base
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[5] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 199
[function] => get_similar_by_artist
[class] => site_handler
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => The Cult
[6] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 159
[function] => get_related_artists
[class] => site_handler
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[last] => gs_null Object
[7] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 797
[function] => process
[class] => gs_parser
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[8] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 3
[function] => process_handler
[class] => gs_base_handler
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[gspgid] => /get/related/artists
[artist] => The Cult
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[1] => Smarty_Internal_Template Object
[compiler_object] =>
[cacher_object] =>
[cache_id] =>
[compile_id] =>
[caching] =>
[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[cacher_class] =>
[caching_type] =>
[forceNocache] =>
[template_resource] => /home/adamsfile/
[resource_type] => file
[resource_name] => /home/adamsfile/
[isExisting:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1
[templateUid] => 4c31e9abb298e2d7e13ba7ff99128d1bda4dab98
[template_filepath] => /home/adamsfile/
[template_source] =>
[template_timestamp:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1728978935
[compiled_filepath:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => /home/adamsfile/
[compiled_template] =>
[compiled_timestamp:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1728978937
[mustCompile] =>
[suppressHeader] =>
[suppressFileDependency] =>
[has_nocache_code] =>
[write_compiled_code] => 1
[rendered_content] =>
[cached_filepath:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[cached_timestamp] =>
[isCached:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[cacheFileChecked:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[tpl_vars] => Array
[smarty] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[base_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[http_host] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_base_handler Object
[blocks:protected] =>
[data:protected] => Array
[gspgid] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[438909] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 438909
[2] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[params:protected] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[tpl_dir] => /home/adamsfile/
[subdir] => /Albums/
[www_subdir] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gssession] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[root_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /home/adamsfile/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_module_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[www_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsdata] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[438909] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 438909
[2] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsparams] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsstack] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 771662536
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
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Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
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[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2001
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[albumID] => 36126
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[albumDate] => 2000
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[verbose_name] => albumDate
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumGenre
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTime
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
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[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSource
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
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[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 771662536
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[f84d679aacc3daf43e1c3ee47cc2f3a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
[ea286bea06732c84592508797a5fec1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
[ebf38bcbb2a7162967b91edd6c228a22] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[8d2f42931973329a1bf14b25f6a21339] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[2ce7ae9c37ec5f25f7109f4bc8edd5dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 438909
[c112d0d8abb55473d8264d3d7495df27] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
[4cce9754626ef09b59219a11b714c1e1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
[1c86b7560093325a6818d2a9e8feb403] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[a71daa76a4e55ce0696399e00d10ff2c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
[93cdb37fb39db9e506c52e6d046df584] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumID] => 438909
[300bcf0abe9ef8ddc8394faef998c503] => Array
[0] => Array
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
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[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2001
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[albumID] => 36126
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[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
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[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
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[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
[ebf38bcbb2a7162967b91edd6c228a22] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumID] => 438909
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[albumID] => 438909
[1c86b7560093325a6818d2a9e8feb403] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[a71daa76a4e55ce0696399e00d10ff2c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
[93cdb37fb39db9e506c52e6d046df584] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumID] => 438909
[300bcf0abe9ef8ddc8394faef998c503] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 438909
[f315262a67f3b0ee63f3437a08b1ca51] => Array
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[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumID] => 438909
[74695410fe630400c23ffe22f55b9a1d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumID] => 438909
[838a1c7cae9bad81dd728aab86965c9f] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Single
[albumID] => 438909
[2fe4c0723d5b80c346bdaade635357f3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[3144e3db819a8fae688b62b69838aba8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
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[albumID] => 111178
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
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[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[User] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[albums_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[r] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => registry Object
[rs_reg:registry:private] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => rs_registry Object
[no_urlkey] => 1
[sortkey] => 0
[no_ctime] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => SZEYjb
[index_field_name] => id
[fields] => Array
[0] => id
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => flacit
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #133
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #160
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 936451531
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.0019650459289551
[total_queries] => 5
[total_rows] => 0
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `Album_id` = 438909 AND `User_id` = ''
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[ac04273ddfc09ff1348afb46c7cb7597] => Array
[63996750fba0fc48d09d9d9a2a66689c] => Array
[d2b1882ce22f6af15fbcd93ef76e92ad] => Array
[b41f528858d9ed3d004d0cf10c0aa259] => Array
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985 */ SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 438909 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => mysql
[id_field_name] => id
[db_tablename] => rs_registry
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => serial
[type] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[name] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[key] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[_ctime] => Array
[type] => date
[_mtime] => Array
[type] => date
[recordsets] => Array
[Objects] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[htmlforms] => Array
[type] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] => 1
[index] => true
[verbose_name] => type
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
[session] => session
[record] => record
[name] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => name
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[key] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => key
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[Objects_hash] => Array
[type] => hidden
[widget] => private
[validate] => dummyValid
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => fInt
[hidden] => true
[Objects] => Array
[type] => lMany2One
[linkname] => Objects
[hidden] => 1
[widget] =>
[verbose_name] => Objects
[validate] => dummyValid
[nulloption] =>
[options] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[type] => type
[name] => name
[key] => key
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[init_fields] => Array
[type] => fSelect options="session,record" required=true index=true
[name] => fString options="32" required=false index=true
[key] => fString options="32" required=true index=true
[Objects] => lMany2One rs_registry_objects:Registry required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry
[table_name] => rs_registry
[gs_connector_id] => mysql
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => SZEYjb
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => SZEYjb
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 3
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart_sum] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 0
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[q] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[k] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[a] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => The Cult
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 438909
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 771662536
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[fe20c102dd02a2f51dcb30d95a275f5d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[f84d679aacc3daf43e1c3ee47cc2f3a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
[ea286bea06732c84592508797a5fec1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
[ebf38bcbb2a7162967b91edd6c228a22] => Array
[0] => Array
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
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No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 363134
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
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[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
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[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2001
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[albumID] => 36126
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[albumDate] => 2000
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[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[467204] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[467463] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[466130] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[363134] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[111178] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[111179] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[435412] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[74469] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[74471] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[14696] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[8665] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[466168] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[268619] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36126] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36130] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36131] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
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[albumViews] => 11
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumID] => 438909
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[count] => 62
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
[albumChecked] => yes
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[albumMP3FileList] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
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[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
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[value] => Array
[0] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
[1] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
[2] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
[3] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
[4] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
[5] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
[6] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
[7] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
[8] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
[9] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
[10] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[nocache] =>
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[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
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[value] => <a id="curr" href="/album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985?others_paging=0">1</a> | <a href="/album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985?others_paging=16">2</a> | <a href="/album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985?others_paging=32">3</a> | <a href="/album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985?others_paging=48">4</a>
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[state] => 4
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[8d2f42931973329a1bf14b25f6a21339] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[2ce7ae9c37ec5f25f7109f4bc8edd5dc] => Array
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[a71daa76a4e55ce0696399e00d10ff2c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
[93cdb37fb39db9e506c52e6d046df584] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 438909
[f315262a67f3b0ee63f3437a08b1ca51] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumID] => 438909
[74695410fe630400c23ffe22f55b9a1d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumID] => 438909
[838a1c7cae9bad81dd728aab86965c9f] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Single
[albumID] => 438909
[2fe4c0723d5b80c346bdaade635357f3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[3144e3db819a8fae688b62b69838aba8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
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[0] => Array
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumID] => 438909
[212b835836695368cafd4bc5b1976ea2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumID] => 438909
[647f9a7aa49cff6c31414380bf998a90] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumID] => 438909
[e79251168e3a3a892f2ec3a47689944d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumID] => 438909
[7433cfaf3ff96607af397be91704f5cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumID] => 438909
[9fe39e0e97eea48443176e505ac06790] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumID] => 438909
[8490bbba13bf34c027a8da0dbb4aac80] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 438909
[0198c2b6b725f8fff03f8a0c12a134c0] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumID] => 438909
[89a25d560cfcbdea3e6ab8cc87638e7c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
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[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumDate] => 2022
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[363134] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[111178] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[111179] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[435412] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[74469] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[74471] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[14696] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[8665] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[466168] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[268619] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36126] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36130] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36131] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
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[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => The Cult
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
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[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => date
[multilang] =>
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => float
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => date
[multilang] =>
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[recordsets] => Array
[htmlforms] => Array
[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumPerformer
[options] => 256
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTitle
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumGenre
[options] => 64
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTime
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCodec
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumBitrate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSource
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumZipContent
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 771662536
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 363134
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
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[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2001
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[albumID] => 36126
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[min] => 1
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[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[min] => 1
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
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[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => input
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => input
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
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[index] => true
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[type] => input
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[artist] => The Cult
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
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[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
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[albumBitrate] => 970
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[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => date
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => varchar
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => float
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => date
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[recordsets] => Array
[htmlforms] => Array
[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumPerformer
[options] => 256
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumTitle
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumGenre
[options] => 64
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTime
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCodec
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumBitrate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSource
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumZipContent
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 771662536
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
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No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
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Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 363134
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
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[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2001
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[options] => 32
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
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[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
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['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
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[type] => input
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[value] => filter/show
[nocache] =>
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[value] => User
[nocache] =>
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[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[1] => 438909
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[gspgid_root] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[handler_key_root] => album
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[placeholder] => Search Artist
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[value] => albumChannels
[nocache] =>
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[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[value] => *:.
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[nocache] =>
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumID] => 438909
[3aa6856cbbf1f29d760d29f708b8a502] => Array
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[_que] =>
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[parent_record] =>
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[438909] => gs_record Object
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 1985
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[_que] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
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[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
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[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
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[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
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[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
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No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumID] => 438909
[3aa6856cbbf1f29d760d29f708b8a502] => Array
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[count] => 62
[f16c56343aaec8a1be633df357fc1f7c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[_que] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
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[parent_record] =>
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[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 1985
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
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[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[_que] =>
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[fkeys] => Array
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[albumSource] => albumSource
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[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
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[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
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[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
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[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
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[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[a71daa76a4e55ce0696399e00d10ff2c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
[93cdb37fb39db9e506c52e6d046df584] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
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[0] => Array
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[0] => Array
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumID] => 438909
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumTime] => 00:15:49
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 111178
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[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
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[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
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[albumBitrate] => 970
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[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
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Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
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[albumID] => 363134
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2016
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[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumID] => 14696
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumID] => 8665
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2001
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[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2000
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
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No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[_que] =>
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[albumHidden] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
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[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
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[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
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[albumChannels] => 2
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[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
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[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
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[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
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[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[query] => /* /album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985 */ SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 438909 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
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[Objects_hash] => Array
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[widget] =>
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[recordset] => rs_registry
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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[a] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
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[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
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[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => The Cult
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 438909
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
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[albumID] => 438909
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
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[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[a71daa76a4e55ce0696399e00d10ff2c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
[93cdb37fb39db9e506c52e6d046df584] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[300bcf0abe9ef8ddc8394faef998c503] => Array
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[f315262a67f3b0ee63f3437a08b1ca51] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
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[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumID] => 438909
[838a1c7cae9bad81dd728aab86965c9f] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Single
[albumID] => 438909
[2fe4c0723d5b80c346bdaade635357f3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[3144e3db819a8fae688b62b69838aba8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
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[albumViews] => 11
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumID] => 363134
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
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[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[467204] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[467463] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[466130] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[363134] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[111178] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[111179] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[435412] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[74469] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[74471] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[14696] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[8665] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[466168] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[268619] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36126] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36130] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36131] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[key] => 36131
[balance] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => $0.00
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[br] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => hideOnAllflac
[value] => 0
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[value] => 438909
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumMediaType
[2] => albumZipFilename
[3] => albumPerformer
[4] => albumTitle
[5] => albumDate
[6] => albumGenre
[7] => albumTime
[8] => albumCodec
[9] => albumBitrate
[10] => albumUserID
[11] => albumFileSize
[12] => albumViews
[13] => albumRank
[14] => albumCheckedTxt
[15] => albumTrackList
[16] => albumZipContent
[17] => albumAdditionalInfo
[18] => albumLogText
[19] => albumChecked
[20] => bitrate24Bit
[21] => albumMP3FileList
[22] => flacImg
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 771662536
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
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Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
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[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumID] => 14696
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
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[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2001
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[albumID] => 36126
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[albumDate] => 2000
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[validate] => isNumber
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => input
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
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[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
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[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
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[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[_que] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[index] => true
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[fkeys] => Array
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[467204] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[467463] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[466130] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[363134] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[111178] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[111179] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[435412] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[74469] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[74471] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[14696] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[8665] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[466168] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[268619] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36126] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36130] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36131] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
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[error_unassigned] =>
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[value] =>
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[value] => site_handler Object
[blocks:protected] =>
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[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => get/related/artists
[gspgid_v] =>
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] =>
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[] =>
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => get
[1] => related
[2] => artists
[gspgid_root] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[handler_key_root] => album
[gspgid_handler] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_handler_va] => Array
[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[handler_params] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => The Cult
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[params:protected] => Array
[return] => true
[module_name] => module_radio
[tpl_dir] => /home/adamsfile/
[subdir] => /radio/
[www_subdir] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Array
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[nocache] =>
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[root_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /home/adamsfile/
[nocache] =>
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[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
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[subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[www_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
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[_gsdata] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[438909] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 438909
[2] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
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No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 363134
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[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
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['internet'] => 'internet'
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['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
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[0] => dummyValid
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[albumMtime] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
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[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
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[albumID] => serial required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
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[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[gmessages] => Array
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[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
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[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[f84d679aacc3daf43e1c3ee47cc2f3a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
[ea286bea06732c84592508797a5fec1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
[ebf38bcbb2a7162967b91edd6c228a22] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[8d2f42931973329a1bf14b25f6a21339] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[2ce7ae9c37ec5f25f7109f4bc8edd5dc] => Array
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 438909
[c112d0d8abb55473d8264d3d7495df27] => Array
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
[4cce9754626ef09b59219a11b714c1e1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
[1c86b7560093325a6818d2a9e8feb403] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[a71daa76a4e55ce0696399e00d10ff2c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
[93cdb37fb39db9e506c52e6d046df584] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumID] => 438909
[300bcf0abe9ef8ddc8394faef998c503] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 438909
[f315262a67f3b0ee63f3437a08b1ca51] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumID] => 438909
[74695410fe630400c23ffe22f55b9a1d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumID] => 438909
[838a1c7cae9bad81dd728aab86965c9f] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Single
[albumID] => 438909
[2fe4c0723d5b80c346bdaade635357f3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[3144e3db819a8fae688b62b69838aba8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumID] => 14696
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
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[albumID] => 36126
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[albumDate] => 2000
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['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
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[gspgid] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => get/related/artists
[nocache] =>
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[assign] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => User
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
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[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[438909] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 438909
[2] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_root] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[handler_key_root] => album
[gspgid_handler] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_handler_va] => Array
[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[handler_params] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => The Cult
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[gspgid_form] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => get/related/artists
[nocache] =>
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[gspgid_handler] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[nocache] =>
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[gspgid_root] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[handler_params] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => The Cult
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[class] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => like
[nocache] =>
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[name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => search
[nocache] =>
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[value] => get
[nocache] =>
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[limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[fields] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => albumChannels
[nocache] =>
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[case] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => =
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[modify] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
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[placeholder] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[current] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[keyname] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => search
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[prelabel] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[label] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
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[params] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => filter/show
[name] => search
[tpl] => like.html
[placeholder] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[artist] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => The Cult
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => artist_related.html
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[__tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
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[value] => /
[nocache] =>
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[value] => /Users/
[nocache] =>
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[www_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Users/
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Array
[gspgid] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[438909] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 438909
[2] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsstack] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
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No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
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Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 111178
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
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[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
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[albumModeratorComment] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
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[albumFLACFilename] => Array
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[0] => dummyValid
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
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[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
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[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
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[late_load_fields] => Array
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[albumID] => 438909
[albumHidden] => 0
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[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[f84d679aacc3daf43e1c3ee47cc2f3a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
[ea286bea06732c84592508797a5fec1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
[ebf38bcbb2a7162967b91edd6c228a22] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[8d2f42931973329a1bf14b25f6a21339] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[2ce7ae9c37ec5f25f7109f4bc8edd5dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 438909
[c112d0d8abb55473d8264d3d7495df27] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
[4cce9754626ef09b59219a11b714c1e1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
[1c86b7560093325a6818d2a9e8feb403] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[a71daa76a4e55ce0696399e00d10ff2c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
[93cdb37fb39db9e506c52e6d046df584] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumID] => 438909
[300bcf0abe9ef8ddc8394faef998c503] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 438909
[f315262a67f3b0ee63f3437a08b1ca51] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumID] => 438909
[74695410fe630400c23ffe22f55b9a1d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumID] => 438909
[838a1c7cae9bad81dd728aab86965c9f] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Single
[albumID] => 438909
[2fe4c0723d5b80c346bdaade635357f3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[3144e3db819a8fae688b62b69838aba8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 111178
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[nocache] =>
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[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[value] => *:.
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[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[_que] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
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[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
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[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
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[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
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[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
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[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[gmessages] => Array
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2000
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[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumType] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => date
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[htmlforms] => Array
[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumTime
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[min] => 1
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[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 1024
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
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[value] => get/related/artists
[nocache] =>
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[assign] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => User
[nocache] =>
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[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[438909] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_a] => Array
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[1] => 438909
[2] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_root] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[handler_key_root] => album
[gspgid_handler] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_handler_va] => Array
[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[handler_params] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => The Cult
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[gspgid_form] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => get/related/artists
[nocache] =>
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[gspgid_handler] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[nocache] =>
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[gspgid_root] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[nocache] =>
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[handler_params] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => The Cult
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[class] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => like
[nocache] =>
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[value] => search
[nocache] =>
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[urltype] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => get
[nocache] =>
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[limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[fields] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => albumChannels
[nocache] =>
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[case] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[modify] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
[nocache] =>
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[value] => search
[nocache] =>
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[prelabel] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
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[label] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
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[params] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => filter/show
[name] => search
[tpl] => like.html
[placeholder] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[artist] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => The Cult
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => artist_related.html
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[__tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
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[parent] =>
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[0] => function
[1] => block
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
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No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[_que] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
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[albumMtime] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[albumChannels] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[fkeys] => Array
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
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[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[gmessages] => Array
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[multilang] =>
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => date
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[htmlforms] => Array
[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
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[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
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[value] => filter/show
[nocache] =>
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[value] => User
[nocache] =>
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[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[1] => 438909
[2] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_root] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[placeholder] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[gspgid] => filter/show
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[tpl] => like.html
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => search
[nocache] =>
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[value] => get
[nocache] =>
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[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[value] => albumChannels
[nocache] =>
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[case] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[modify] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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[value] =>
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[value] =>
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumID] => 438909
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[f16c56343aaec8a1be633df357fc1f7c] => Array
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[parent_record] =>
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[438909] => gs_record Object
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 1985
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
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[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[_que] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[albumSource] => albumSource
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[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
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[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
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[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
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[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
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No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
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[albumID] => 36130
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2000
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[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985 */ SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
[db_tablename] => Albums
[db_scheme] =>
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[fields] => Array
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[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => number
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[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[max] => 255
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[User] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[albums_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[r] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => registry Object
[rs_reg:registry:private] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => rs_registry Object
[no_urlkey] => 1
[sortkey] => 0
[no_ctime] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => SZEYjb
[index_field_name] => id
[fields] => Array
[0] => id
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => flacit
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #133
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #160
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 936451531
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.0019650459289551
[total_queries] => 5
[total_rows] => 0
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `Album_id` = 438909 AND `User_id` = ''
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[value] => The Cult
[3] => Array
[type] => value
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
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[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => LP
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[0] => Array
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[2fe4c0723d5b80c346bdaade635357f3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
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[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[parent_record] =>
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[467204] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[467463] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[466130] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[363134] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[gmessages] => Array
[111178] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[111179] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[435412] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[74469] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[74471] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[14696] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[8665] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[466168] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[268619] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36126] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36130] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36131] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[key] => 36131
[balance] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => $0.00
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[br] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => hideOnAllflac
[value] => 0
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[value] => 438909
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumMediaType
[2] => albumZipFilename
[3] => albumPerformer
[4] => albumTitle
[5] => albumDate
[6] => albumGenre
[7] => albumTime
[8] => albumCodec
[9] => albumBitrate
[10] => albumUserID
[11] => albumFileSize
[12] => albumViews
[13] => albumRank
[14] => albumCheckedTxt
[15] => albumTrackList
[16] => albumZipContent
[17] => albumAdditionalInfo
[18] => albumLogText
[19] => albumChecked
[20] => bitrate24Bit
[21] => albumMP3FileList
[22] => flacImg
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 771662536
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
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[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[fe20c102dd02a2f51dcb30d95a275f5d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[f84d679aacc3daf43e1c3ee47cc2f3a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
[ea286bea06732c84592508797a5fec1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
[ebf38bcbb2a7162967b91edd6c228a22] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[8d2f42931973329a1bf14b25f6a21339] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[2ce7ae9c37ec5f25f7109f4bc8edd5dc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 438909
[c112d0d8abb55473d8264d3d7495df27] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
[4cce9754626ef09b59219a11b714c1e1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
[1c86b7560093325a6818d2a9e8feb403] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[a71daa76a4e55ce0696399e00d10ff2c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
[93cdb37fb39db9e506c52e6d046df584] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumID] => 438909
[300bcf0abe9ef8ddc8394faef998c503] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 438909
[f315262a67f3b0ee63f3437a08b1ca51] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumID] => 438909
[74695410fe630400c23ffe22f55b9a1d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumID] => 438909
[838a1c7cae9bad81dd728aab86965c9f] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Single
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
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[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
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[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumID] => 14696
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2001
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[albumID] => 36126
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] => 1
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
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[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[freq] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 44.1
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[canDownload] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[i] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 2
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[key] => 10
[j] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 1
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[p] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[disk_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[tracks] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[0] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
[1] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
[2] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
[3] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
[4] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
[5] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
[6] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
[7] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
[8] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
[9] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
[10] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_paging] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => <a id="curr" href="/album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985?others_paging=0">1</a> | <a href="/album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985?others_paging=16">2</a> | <a href="/album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985?others_paging=32">3</a> | <a href="/album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985?others_paging=48">4</a>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others_count] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 62
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[others] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => The Cult
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 438909
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 771662536
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
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testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
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Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumID] => 14696
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
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[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2001
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[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
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[albumDate] => 2000
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[htmlforms] => Array
[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
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[validate] => Array
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
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[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
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[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
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[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[467204] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[467463] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[466130] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[363134] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[111178] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[111179] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[435412] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[74469] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[74471] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[14696] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[8665] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[466168] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[268619] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[36126] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
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[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
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[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
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[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
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[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[artist] => The Cult
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[gspgid] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[gspgid_a] => Array
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[2] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[nocache] =>
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[last] => gs_record Object
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[total_queries] => 30
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
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[8d2f42931973329a1bf14b25f6a21339] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[2ce7ae9c37ec5f25f7109f4bc8edd5dc] => Array
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
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[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[a71daa76a4e55ce0696399e00d10ff2c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
[93cdb37fb39db9e506c52e6d046df584] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumID] => 438909
[300bcf0abe9ef8ddc8394faef998c503] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 438909
[f315262a67f3b0ee63f3437a08b1ca51] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumID] => 438909
[74695410fe630400c23ffe22f55b9a1d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumID] => 438909
[838a1c7cae9bad81dd728aab86965c9f] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Single
[albumID] => 438909
[2fe4c0723d5b80c346bdaade635357f3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[3144e3db819a8fae688b62b69838aba8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumTime] => 00:15:49
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumID] => 438909
[3aa6856cbbf1f29d760d29f708b8a502] => Array
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[count] => 62
[f16c56343aaec8a1be633df357fc1f7c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[_que] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
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[parent_record] =>
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[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
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[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
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[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
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[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
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[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
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[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
[ea286bea06732c84592508797a5fec1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
[ebf38bcbb2a7162967b91edd6c228a22] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[8d2f42931973329a1bf14b25f6a21339] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[2ce7ae9c37ec5f25f7109f4bc8edd5dc] => Array
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
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[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
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[albumID] => 438909
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[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumID] => 438909
[a71daa76a4e55ce0696399e00d10ff2c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
[93cdb37fb39db9e506c52e6d046df584] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumID] => 438909
[300bcf0abe9ef8ddc8394faef998c503] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 438909
[f315262a67f3b0ee63f3437a08b1ca51] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumID] => 438909
[74695410fe630400c23ffe22f55b9a1d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => LP
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[838a1c7cae9bad81dd728aab86965c9f] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Single
[albumID] => 438909
[2fe4c0723d5b80c346bdaade635357f3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[3144e3db819a8fae688b62b69838aba8] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumUserID] => 2756
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumViews] => 11
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumTime] => 00:15:49
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumID] => 438909
[3aa6856cbbf1f29d760d29f708b8a502] => Array
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[0] => Array
[count] => 62
[f16c56343aaec8a1be633df357fc1f7c] => Array
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[1] => Array
[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[2] => Array
[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[3] => Array
[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[5] => Array
[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[8] => Array
[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[9] => Array
[albumID] => 14696
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Savage_Edition_-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[10] => Array
[albumID] => 8665
[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[11] => Array
[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[13] => Array
[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[14] => Array
[albumID] => 36130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult___Mixes/Cult__The-Rare_Cult___Mixes-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult - Mixes
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[15] => Array
[albumID] => 36131
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_6__2000-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 6
[albumDate] => 2000
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[_que] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
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[parent_record] =>
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[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
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[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
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[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
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[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
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[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
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[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
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[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[value] => *:.
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[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2022
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumID] => 14696
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
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[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
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[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
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[albumDate] => 2000
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => date
[multilang] =>
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[recordsets] => Array
[htmlforms] => Array
[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumUserID
[validate] => isNumber
[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumPerformer
[options] => 256
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTitle
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumGenre
[options] => 64
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTime
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCodec
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumBitrate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSource
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumZipContent
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 771662536
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[fe20c102dd02a2f51dcb30d95a275f5d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[f84d679aacc3daf43e1c3ee47cc2f3a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
[ea286bea06732c84592508797a5fec1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
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No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 363134
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
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[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
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[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2001
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[albumID] => 36126
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[albumDate] => 2000
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[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[nocache] =>
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[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[438909] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_a] => Array
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[2] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[handler_key_root] => album
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[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => The Cult
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
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[value] => get/related/artists
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => The Cult
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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[value] => search
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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[label] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
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[tpl] => like.html
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => The Cult
[nocache] =>
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[value] => artist_related.html
[nocache] =>
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[__tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[gspgid] => album/438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 438909/The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[0] => 438909
[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[438909] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[gspgid_a] => Array
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[1] => 438909
[2] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
[nocache] =>
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[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
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[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
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2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Jan 7 06:02:34 EST 2021
Archive: /home/adamsfile/
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt OK
testing: The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db OK
No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
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[albumID] => 467204
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
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[albumID] => 467463
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 466130
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2022-Under_The_Midnight_Sun/Cult__The-Under_The_Midnight_Sun-2022-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Under The Midnight Sun
[albumDate] => 2022
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] =>
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[albumID] => 363134
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2016-Hidden_City/Cult__The-Hidden_City-2016-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ready
[4] => Array
[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 111179
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd2_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd2_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
[6] => Array
[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace
[albumDate] => 2013
[albumType] => Album
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[albumMP3Status] =>
[7] => Array
[albumID] => 74469
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd1_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2012
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 74471
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Choice Of Weapon (CD2)
[albumDate] => 2012
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[albumMP3Status] => ok
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[albumID] => 14696
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Savage Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 466168
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Born Into This (Special Edition)
[albumDate] => 2007
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[12] => Array
[albumID] => 268619
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Beyond Good And Evil
[albumDate] => 2001
[albumType] => Album
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[albumID] => 36126
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2000-Rare_Cult_Volume_1/Cult__The-Rare_Cult_Volume_1-2000-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
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[albumTitle] => Rare Cult Volume 1
[albumDate] => 2000
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[multilang] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[multilang] =>
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[multilang] =>
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => date
[multilang] =>
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => int
[multilang] =>
[recordsets] => Array
[htmlforms] => Array
[albumUserID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumUserID
[validate] => isNumber
[albumPerformer] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumPerformer
[options] => 256
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTitle] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTitle
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumGenre
[options] => 64
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTime
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCodec
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumBitrate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSource
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumZipContent
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 438909
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 771662536
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.013907432556152
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 44
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'The Cult' AND `albumID` != 438909
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[fe20c102dd02a2f51dcb30d95a275f5d] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[f84d679aacc3daf43e1c3ee47cc2f3a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumID] => 438909
[ea286bea06732c84592508797a5fec1c] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumID] => 438909
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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Archive: /home/adamsfile/
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No errors detected in compressed data of /home/adamsfile/
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
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The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
"She Sells Sanctuary" is a song by the British rock band the Cult. It is from their 1985 album Love and was released as a single in May of that year, peaking at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart.
"She Sells Sanctuary" was the last song to be recorded with the Cult's longtime drummer, Nigel Preston, who was fired from the band shortly after its release.
According to Billy Duffy, the iconic introduction effects were the result of the fact that all of the guitar effects pedals were on at the same time. The recording was edited to include the introduction with the effects, whereas earlier versions started the song more abruptly.
After its release in 1985, the single reached number 36 during a six-week run on the US Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play chart in 1986.
She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) 8:21
Assault On Sanctuary 7:28
Vinyl: Near Mint
Sleeve: Near Mint
Label: Beggars Banquet - Beg 135tp
Format: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM
Country: UK
Released: 31 May 1985
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Composed By – Duffy*, Astbury*
Management – Grant/Edwards Management*
Producer – Steve Brown
Remix – Steve Brown
1985 Beggars Banquet
[albumLogText] => foobar2000 1.4.4 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1
Дата отчёта: 2021-01-06 20:14:58
Анализ: The Cult / She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12")
DR Пики RMS Продолжительность трека
DR11 -0.34 дБ -13.56 дБ 8:21 01-She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
DR12 -0.26 дБ -15.23 дБ 7:28 02-Assault On Sanctuary
Количество треков: 2
Реальные значения DR: DR12
Частота: 44100 Гц
Каналов: 2
Разрядность: 16
Битрейт: 969 кбит/с
Кодек: FLAC
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[albumID] => 363134
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Hidden City
[albumDate] => 2016
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[albumID] => 111178
[albumZipFilename] => Cult/2013-Electric_Peace__Cd1_/Cult-Electric_Peace__Cd1_-2013-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => Electric Peace (CD1)
[albumDate] => 2013
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[albumID] => 435412
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2013-Electric_Peace/Cult__The-Electric_Peace-2013-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2012-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_/Cult__The-Choice_Of_Weapon__Cd2_-2012-(Flac-EAC-LOG-CUE)
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[albumZipFilename] => The_Cult/2007-Born_Into_This/Cult__The-Born_Into_This-2007-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2007-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_/Cult__The-Born_Into_This__Special_Edition_-2007-(FLAC).zip
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[albumDate] => 2007
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[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/2001-Beyond_Good_And_Evil/Cult__The-Beyond_Good_And_Evil-2001-(FLAC-EAC-LOG-CUE).zip
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
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[albumDate] => 2001
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[albumID] => 36126
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[albumDate] => 2000
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[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isDate
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] => 32
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
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[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
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[type] => input
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[438909] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:08:21) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary [Howling Mix]
2. (00:07:28) The Cult - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumPerformer] => The Cult
[albumTitle] => She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[albumDate] => 1985
[albumID] => 438909
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix)
[1] => 02 - Assault On Sanctuary
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /8TB20b/
[albumUserLogin] => Random
[albumZipFilename] => Cult__The/1985-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_/Cult__The-She_Sells_Sanctuary__Howling_Mix_-1985-(Vinyl__12___UkFLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Electronic Rock
[albumMediaType] => LP
[albumType] => Single
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 970
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 109.63
[albumMP3Status] =>
[albumZipContent] => The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/00 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'').m3u - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/01 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix).flac - 55.38
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/02 - Assault On Sanctuary.flac - 51.83
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/ - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/A. Front.jpg - 1.21
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Artwork/B. Back.jpg - 1.15
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Folder.jpg - 0.10
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/foo_dr.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Info.txt - 0.00
The Cult - 1985 - She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) (UK 12'') [FLAC]/Thumbs.db - 0.02
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[nocache] =>
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[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[1] => The_Cult_She_Sells_Sanctuary_%28Howling_Mix%29_1985
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[placeholder] => Search Artist
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[tpl] => like.html
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => search
[nocache] =>
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[value] => get
[nocache] =>
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[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[value] => albumChannels
[nocache] =>
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[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[modify] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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[value] => search
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[1] =>
[2] =>
[3] =>
[14] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 891
[function] => fetch
[class] => gs_Smarty
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Smarty_Internal_Template Object
[compiler_object] =>
[cacher_object] =>
[cache_id] =>
[compile_id] =>
[caching] =>
[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[cacher_class] =>
[caching_type] =>
[forceNocache] =>
[template_resource] => /home/adamsfile/
[resource_type] => file
[resource_name] => /home/adamsfile/
[isExisting:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1
[templateUid] => 4c31e9abb298e2d7e13ba7ff99128d1bda4dab98
[template_filepath] => /home/adamsfile/
[template_source] =>
[template_timestamp:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1728978935
[compiled_filepath:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => /home/adamsfile/
[compiled_template] =>
[compiled_timestamp:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1728978937
[mustCompile] =>
[suppressHeader] =>
[suppressFileDependency] =>
[has_nocache_code] =>
[write_compiled_code] => 1
[rendered_content] =>
[cached_filepath:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[cached_timestamp] =>
[isCached:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[cacheFileChecked:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[tpl_vars] => Array
[smarty] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[base_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[http_host] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[tpl] =>