Related artists
0.000/0.0000 [gs_parser.process] > album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
0.000/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module_Albums:gs_base_handler.validate_gl
0.008/0.0080 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
0.008/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.008/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFLACFilename`,`albumTrackList`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.009/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.010/0.0013 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumStoreSubdir`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.011/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.011/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumUserLogin`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.011/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.011/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumZipFilename`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.011/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.011/0.0001 [gs_base_handler.validate_gl] > /home/adamsfile/
0.011/0.0000 [gs_base_handler.validate_gl] > albumTracks=---------------------------------
0.038/0.0264 [gs_base_handler.validate_gl] > 17
0.038/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271
0.039/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.039/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFLACFilename`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271
0.039/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.039/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumStoreSubdir`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271
0.039/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.039/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumUserLogin`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271
0.039/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.040/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumZipFilename`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271
0.040/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.040/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumTrackList`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271
0.040/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.041/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumPerformer`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271
0.041/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.041/0.0006 [gs_parser.process] > call validate_gl
0.041/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] >
0.042/0.0003 [] > /home/adamsfile/
0.042/0.0000 [] > Yes
0.042/0.0000 [] > /home/adamsfile/
0.042/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.multilang] > /home/adamsfile/
0.042/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.multilang] >
0.042/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.multilang] > /home/adamsfile/
0.042/0.0000 [] > /home/adamsfile/
0.042/0.0000 [gs_Smarty.fetch] > /home/adamsfile/
0.049/0.0071 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `bitrate24Bit`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.049/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.049/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumGenre`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.049/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.050/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumMediaType`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.050/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.051/0.0014 [gs_parser.process] > Users/checklogin/Users
0.051/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module_Users:gs_base_handler.check_login
0.055/0.0036 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
0.055/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.055/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `userID` FROM `Users` WHERE `userID` = '' ORDER BY userID
0.055/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 0 rows
0.055/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call check_login
0.056/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.058/0.0019 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.058/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.058/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.058/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.058/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.059/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.059/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.059/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.059/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.059/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.059/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.060/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.060/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.060/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.060/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.060/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.060/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.061/0.0005 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.061/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.061/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.061/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.061/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.061/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.062/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.062/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.062/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.062/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.062/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.062/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.063/0.0003 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.063/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.063/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.063/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.063/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.063/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.064/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.064/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.064/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.064/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter
0.064/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module:gs_filters_handler.init
0.064/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > call init
0.066/0.0016 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `id` FROM `rs_registry` WHERE `type` = 'session' AND `key` = 'j5vOxN'
0.067/0.0007 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.067/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `Registry_id`,`id` FROM `rs_registry_objects` WHERE `name` = 'cart' AND `Registry_id` IN ('')
0.068/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.068/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumType`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.068/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.069/0.0004 [gs_parser.process] > filter/show
0.069/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] >
0.069/0.0001 [gs_Smarty.fetch] > filters/like.html
0.069/0.0007 [gs_parser.process] > call show
0.070/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0 AND `albumID` = 373271
0.070/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.072/0.0016 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID`,`albumMediaType`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumGenre`,`albumTime`,`albumCodec`,`albumBitrate`,`albumUserID`,`albumFileSize`,`albumViews`,`albumRank`,`albumCheckedTxt`,`albumTrackList`,`albumZipContent`,`albumAdditionalInfo`,`albumLogText`,`albumChecked`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3FileList`,`flacImg` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0 AND `albumID` = 373271
0.072/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.073/0.0002 [Smarty_Internal_Template.renderTemplate] > 0
0.073/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumCodec`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.073/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.073/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumChannels`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.074/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.074/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumBitrate`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.074/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.074/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFrequency`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.074/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.074/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFileSize`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.075/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.075/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 373271 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
0.076/0.0006 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.076/0.0004 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumFileSize`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271
0.076/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.076/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `bitrate24Bit`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271
0.077/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.077/0.0006 [Smarty_Internal_Template.renderTemplate] > Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
0.077/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumMP3Status`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.078/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.079/0.0010 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumZipContent`,`albumID` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumID` = 373271 AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `hideOnAllflac` = 0
0.079/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.000 secounds, 1 rows
0.080/0.0008 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT count(*) as count FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
0.081/0.0007 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.081/0.0003 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT count(*) as count FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271 AND `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
0.082/0.0008 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.082/0.0002 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `albumID`,`albumZipFilename`,`albumPerformer`,`albumTitle`,`albumDate`,`albumType`,`bitrate24Bit`,`albumMP3Status` FROM `Albums` WHERE `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271 ORDER BY albumType,albumDate desc LIMIT 16 OFFSET 0
0.083/0.0009 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.084/0.0009 [gs_parser.process] > get/related/artists
0.084/0.0001 [gs_parser.process] > module_radio:site_handler.get_related_artists
0.087/0.0032 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
0.088/0.0009 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 0 rows
0.088/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `Performer_id`,`similar_ids`,`id` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` = 'Callum Henshaw' ORDER BY id
0.090/0.0023 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.002 secounds, 1 rows
0.091/0.0005 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `Performer_id`,`similar_artists`,`id` FROM `similar_artists` WHERE `performer` = 'Callum Henshaw' ORDER BY id
0.092/0.0011 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > 0.001 secounds, 1 rows
0.092/0.0001 [gs_dbdriver_mysql.query] > SELECT `name`,`id`,`Performer_id`,`image` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` IN () ORDER BY id
0.093/0.0007 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] >
0.093/0.0000 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] > EXCEPTION gs_dbd_exception
0.093/0.0000 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] > gs_dbdriver_mysql: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY id' at line 1 in query /* /album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018 */ SELECT `name`,`id`,`Performer_id`,`image` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` IN () ORDER BY id
0.532/0.4390 [.gs_exception_handler_debug] > Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 414
[function] => query
[class] => gs_dbdriver_mysql
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT `name`,`id`,`Performer_id`,`image` FROM `spotify` WHERE `name` IN () ORDER BY id
[1] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 377
[function] => select
[class] => gs_dbdriver_mysql
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => spotify
[1] => Array
[name] => Array
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => id
[2] => Performer_id
[3] => image
[2] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 223
[function] => load_records
[class] => gs_recordset_base
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[3] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 236
[function] => preload
[class] => gs_recordset_base
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[4] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 166
[function] => valid
[class] => gs_recordset_base
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[5] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 199
[function] => get_similar_by_artist
[class] => site_handler
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Callum Henshaw
[6] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 159
[function] => get_related_artists
[class] => site_handler
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[last] => gs_null Object
[7] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 797
[function] => process
[class] => gs_parser
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[8] => Array
[file] => /home/adamsfile/
[line] => 3
[function] => process_handler
[class] => gs_base_handler
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[gspgid] => /get/related/artists
[artist] => Callum Henshaw
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[1] => Smarty_Internal_Template Object
[compiler_object] =>
[cacher_object] =>
[cache_id] =>
[compile_id] =>
[caching] =>
[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[cacher_class] =>
[caching_type] =>
[forceNocache] =>
[template_resource] => /home/adamsfile/
[resource_type] => file
[resource_name] => /home/adamsfile/
[isExisting:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1
[templateUid] => 4c31e9abb298e2d7e13ba7ff99128d1bda4dab98
[template_filepath] => /home/adamsfile/
[template_source] =>
[template_timestamp:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1728978935
[compiled_filepath:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => /home/adamsfile/
[compiled_template] =>
[compiled_timestamp:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] => 1728978937
[mustCompile] =>
[suppressHeader] =>
[suppressFileDependency] =>
[has_nocache_code] =>
[write_compiled_code] => 1
[rendered_content] =>
[cached_filepath:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[cached_timestamp] =>
[isCached:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[cacheFileChecked:Smarty_Internal_Template:private] =>
[tpl_vars] => Array
[smarty] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[base_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[http_host] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_base_handler Object
[blocks:protected] =>
[data:protected] => Array
[gspgid] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 373271
[2] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[params:protected] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[tpl_dir] => /home/adamsfile/
[subdir] => /Albums/
[www_subdir] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gssession] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[root_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /home/adamsfile/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_module_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[www_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /Albums/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsdata] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 373271
[2] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsparams] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsstack] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[type] => text
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[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
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[float] => FLOAT
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[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
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14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumVotes] => Array
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
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['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
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['replace'] => 'replace'
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[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
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[SCRIPT_NAME] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[nocache] =>
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[an] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 373271
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[n] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
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[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
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[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[db_hostname] => mysql
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[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
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[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
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[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[User] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[albums_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[r] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => registry Object
[rs_reg:registry:private] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => rs_registry Object
[no_urlkey] => 1
[sortkey] => 0
[no_ctime] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => j5vOxN
[index_field_name] => id
[fields] => Array
[0] => id
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => flacit
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #133
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #160
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1988609173
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.002202033996582
[total_queries] => 5
[total_rows] => 0
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `Album_id` = 373271 AND `User_id` = ''
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[ac04273ddfc09ff1348afb46c7cb7597] => Array
[610d253fb74ce627e09f1d1a8df10c74] => Array
[d2b1882ce22f6af15fbcd93ef76e92ad] => Array
[66ab03b6618df26271f7a05b456ba983] => Array
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018 */ SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 373271 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => mysql
[id_field_name] => id
[db_tablename] => rs_registry
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => serial
[type] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[name] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[key] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[_ctime] => Array
[type] => date
[_mtime] => Array
[type] => date
[recordsets] => Array
[Objects] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[htmlforms] => Array
[type] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] => 1
[index] => true
[verbose_name] => type
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
[session] => session
[record] => record
[name] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => name
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[key] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => key
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[Objects_hash] => Array
[type] => hidden
[widget] => private
[validate] => dummyValid
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => fInt
[hidden] => true
[Objects] => Array
[type] => lMany2One
[linkname] => Objects
[hidden] => 1
[widget] =>
[verbose_name] => Objects
[validate] => dummyValid
[nulloption] =>
[options] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[type] => type
[name] => name
[key] => key
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[init_fields] => Array
[type] => fSelect options="session,record" required=true index=true
[name] => fString options="32" required=false index=true
[key] => fString options="32" required=true index=true
[Objects] => lMany2One rs_registry_objects:Registry required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry
[table_name] => rs_registry
[gs_connector_id] => mysql
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => j5vOxN
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => j5vOxN
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 3
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart_sum] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 0
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[q] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[k] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[a] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Callum Henshaw
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 373271
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumGenre] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumGenre
[options] => 64
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTime] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumTime
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCodec] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCodec
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumBitrate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumBitrate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumFileSize] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFileSize
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumTrackList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumTrackList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumSource] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSource
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
['unknown'] => 'unknown'
['internet'] => 'internet'
['rip'] => 'rip'
['masterrip'] => 'masterrip'
[default] => unknown
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumAdditionalInfo
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumLogText] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumLogText
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumZipContent] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumZipContent
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCoverImage] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImage
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumUserLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumComments
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373272] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[key] => 373272
[balance] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => $0.00
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[br] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => hideOnAllflac
[value] => 0
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[value] => 373271
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumMediaType
[2] => albumZipFilename
[3] => albumPerformer
[4] => albumTitle
[5] => albumDate
[6] => albumGenre
[7] => albumTime
[8] => albumCodec
[9] => albumBitrate
[10] => albumUserID
[11] => albumFileSize
[12] => albumViews
[13] => albumRank
[14] => albumCheckedTxt
[15] => albumTrackList
[16] => albumZipContent
[17] => albumAdditionalInfo
[18] => albumLogText
[19] => albumChecked
[20] => bitrate24Bit
[21] => albumMP3FileList
[22] => flacImg
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[init_fields] => Array
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[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
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[freq] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 44.1
[nocache] =>
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[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
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[value] => 15
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[key] => 16
[j] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 14
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[p] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[disk_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[tracks] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[0] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
[1] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
[2] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
[3] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
[4] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
[5] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
[6] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
[7] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
[8] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
[9] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
[10] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
[11] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
[12] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
[13] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
[14] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
[15] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
[16] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
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[value] => <a id="curr" href="/album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018?others_paging=0">1</a>
[nocache] =>
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[value] => 1
[nocache] =>
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[others] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Callum Henshaw
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 373271
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
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[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
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[2] => albumPerformer
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[4] => albumDate
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[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
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14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumCommentsCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumViews
[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteCount
[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotes
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVoteUsers
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumStoreSubdir
[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChecked
[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373272] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[nocache] =>
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[parent] =>
[config_vars] => Array
[plugin_data] => Array
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[4c31e9abb298e2d7e13ba7ff99128d1bda4dab98] => Array
[0] => /home/adamsfile/
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[nocache] => Array
[saved_modifier] =>
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[use_sub_dirs] =>
[compile_error] =>
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[merge_compiled_includes] =>
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[force_cache] =>
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[right_delimiter] => }
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[security_policy] =>
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[allow_php_tag] =>
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[0] => file
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[default_config_type] => file
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[4c31e9abb298e2d7e13ba7ff99128d1bda4dab98] => Smarty_Internal_Template Object
[cache_modified_check] =>
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[plugin_search_order] => Array
[0] => function
[1] => block
[2] => compiler
[3] => class
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[registered_classes] => Array
[registered_filters] => Array
[registered_resources] => Array
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[smarty] => extSmarty Object
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[auto_literal] => 1
[error_unassigned] =>
[template_dir] => Array
[0] => /home/adamsfile/
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[default_template_handler_func] =>
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[0] => /home/adamsfile/
[cache_dir] => ./cache/
[config_dir] => ./configs/
[force_compile] =>
[compile_check] => 1
[compile_locking] => 1
[use_sub_dirs] =>
[compile_error] =>
[caching] =>
[merge_compiled_includes] =>
[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[force_cache] =>
[cache_id] =>
[compile_id] =>
[left_delimiter] => {
[right_delimiter] => }
[security_class] => Smarty_Security
[security_policy] =>
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[allow_php_tag] =>
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[debugging] => 1
[debugging_ctrl] => NONE
[smarty_debug_id] => SMARTY_DEBUG
[debug_tpl] => file:/home/adamsfile/
[config_overwrite] => 1
[config_booleanize] => 1
[config_read_hidden] =>
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[value] => /
[nocache] =>
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[http_host] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
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[tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => site_handler Object
[blocks:protected] =>
[data:protected] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => get/related/artists
[gspgid_v] =>
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] =>
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[] =>
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => get
[1] => related
[2] => artists
[gspgid_root] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[handler_key_root] => album
[gspgid_handler] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_handler_va] => Array
[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[handler_params] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => Callum Henshaw
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[params:protected] => Array
[return] => true
[module_name] => module_radio
[tpl_dir] => /home/adamsfile/
[subdir] => /radio/
[www_subdir] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[value] => Array
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[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[root_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /home/adamsfile/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_module_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[www_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsdata] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 373271
[2] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsparams] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsstack] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[float] => FLOAT
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[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
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[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[__tpl] => album_related.html
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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[value] => search
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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[value] =>
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[tpl] => like.html
[placeholder] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[artist] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[nocache] =>
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[__tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[gspgid] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[1] => 373271
[2] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
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[no_urlkey] => 1
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[late_load_fields] => Array
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[albumHidden] => 0
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[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
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[index] =>
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[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[options] => 128
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[options] => Array
['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumCheckedTxt
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[1] => 373271
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[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[placeholder] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[gspgid] => filter/show
[name] => search
[tpl] => like.html
[placeholder] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => search
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
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[value] => albumChannels
[nocache] =>
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[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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[value] => search
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
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[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[373271] => gs_record Object
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[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
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5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
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7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
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[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[_que] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
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[parent_record] =>
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[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
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[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
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[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
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[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumID] => 373271
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[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumID] => 373271
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[0] => Array
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[albumID] => 373271
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[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[09b76733ede15d8ffcef7a4d4a4fc1d2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
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[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[09b76733ede15d8ffcef7a4d4a4fc1d2] => Array
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[albumID] => 373271
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[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[373271] => gs_record Object
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[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
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[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
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[albumType] => Album
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[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
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[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[gspgid_v] => 373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_a] => Array
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[2] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[gspgid_handler_va] => Array
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[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[gspgid_root] => Smarty_Variable Object
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[modify] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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[gspgid] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 373271
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[gspgid] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[gspgid_v] => 373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[1] => 373271
[2] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[last] => gs_record Object
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[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[bool] => BOOL
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[index] =>
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
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['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
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[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
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[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
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[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
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[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
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[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[nocache] =>
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[an] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 373271
[nocache] =>
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[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
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[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
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[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[bool] => BOOL
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[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumID] => 373271
[10b543099b2a4cfaa222e761e1c94ec7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumID] => 373271
[bcbb9b2fb1af5317fde4e22f428f6244] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 373271
[0745dd727c955da453490a484a49bb85] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumID] => 373271
[766f4811699e95fffd5920b5eaf5b856] => Array
[0] => Array
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[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
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[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
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[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[User] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[albums_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[r] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => registry Object
[rs_reg:registry:private] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => rs_registry Object
[no_urlkey] => 1
[sortkey] => 0
[no_ctime] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => j5vOxN
[index_field_name] => id
[fields] => Array
[0] => id
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => flacit
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #133
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #160
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1988609173
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.002202033996582
[total_queries] => 5
[total_rows] => 0
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `Album_id` = 373271 AND `User_id` = ''
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[ac04273ddfc09ff1348afb46c7cb7597] => Array
[610d253fb74ce627e09f1d1a8df10c74] => Array
[d2b1882ce22f6af15fbcd93ef76e92ad] => Array
[66ab03b6618df26271f7a05b456ba983] => Array
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018 */ SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 373271 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => mysql
[id_field_name] => id
[db_tablename] => rs_registry
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => serial
[type] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[name] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[key] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[_ctime] => Array
[type] => date
[_mtime] => Array
[type] => date
[recordsets] => Array
[Objects] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[htmlforms] => Array
[type] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] => 1
[index] => true
[verbose_name] => type
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
[session] => session
[record] => record
[name] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => name
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[key] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => key
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[Objects_hash] => Array
[type] => hidden
[widget] => private
[validate] => dummyValid
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => fInt
[hidden] => true
[Objects] => Array
[type] => lMany2One
[linkname] => Objects
[hidden] => 1
[widget] =>
[verbose_name] => Objects
[validate] => dummyValid
[nulloption] =>
[options] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[type] => type
[name] => name
[key] => key
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[init_fields] => Array
[type] => fSelect options="session,record" required=true index=true
[name] => fString options="32" required=false index=true
[key] => fString options="32" required=true index=true
[Objects] => lMany2One rs_registry_objects:Registry required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry
[table_name] => rs_registry
[gs_connector_id] => mysql
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => j5vOxN
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => j5vOxN
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 3
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart_sum] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 0
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[q] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[k] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[a] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Callum Henshaw
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 373271
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumCoverImageSmall] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCoverImageSmall
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumZipFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumZipFilename
[options] => 1024
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumUserLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumDownloads
[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
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[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373272] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[key] => 373272
[balance] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => $0.00
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[br] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => hideOnAllflac
[value] => 0
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[value] => 373271
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumMediaType
[2] => albumZipFilename
[3] => albumPerformer
[4] => albumTitle
[5] => albumDate
[6] => albumGenre
[7] => albumTime
[8] => albumCodec
[9] => albumBitrate
[10] => albumUserID
[11] => albumFileSize
[12] => albumViews
[13] => albumRank
[14] => albumCheckedTxt
[15] => albumTrackList
[16] => albumZipContent
[17] => albumAdditionalInfo
[18] => albumLogText
[19] => albumChecked
[20] => bitrate24Bit
[21] => albumMP3FileList
[22] => flacImg
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumID] => 373271
[10b543099b2a4cfaa222e761e1c94ec7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumID] => 373271
[bcbb9b2fb1af5317fde4e22f428f6244] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 373271
[0745dd727c955da453490a484a49bb85] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumID] => 373271
[766f4811699e95fffd5920b5eaf5b856] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumID] => 373271
[eaa890ceed52f12b59054c8190289040] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 373271
[9a26de240cee58cb597a0ebaa52ecc86] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[09b76733ede15d8ffcef7a4d4a4fc1d2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
[albumLogText] =>
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => 44.1
[nocache] =>
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[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[nocache] =>
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[key] => 16
[j] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 14
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[p] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[track_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[nocache] =>
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[disk_name] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
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[value] => Array
[0] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
[1] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
[2] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
[3] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
[4] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
[5] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
[6] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
[7] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
[8] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
[9] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
[10] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
[11] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
[12] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
[13] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
[14] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
[15] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
[16] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[others_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 16
[nocache] =>
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[value] => <a id="curr" href="/album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018?others_paging=0">1</a>
[nocache] =>
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[late_load_fields] => Array
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[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Callum Henshaw
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
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[value] => 16
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[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
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[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
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[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
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[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
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[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
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[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
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[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
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[albumID] => 373271
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[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373272] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
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[table_name] => Albums
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[error_unassigned] =>
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[allow_php_tag] =>
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[value] => /
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[value] =>
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[value] => site_handler Object
[blocks:protected] =>
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[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => get/related/artists
[gspgid_v] =>
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] =>
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[] =>
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => get
[1] => related
[2] => artists
[gspgid_root] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[handler_key_root] => album
[gspgid_handler] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_handler_va] => Array
[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[handler_params] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => Callum Henshaw
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[params:protected] => Array
[return] => true
[module_name] => module_radio
[tpl_dir] => /home/adamsfile/
[subdir] => /radio/
[www_subdir] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Array
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[nocache] =>
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[root_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /home/adamsfile/
[nocache] =>
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[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
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[subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[www_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsdata] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 373271
[2] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsstack] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[albumFLACFilename] => Array
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[readonly] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
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[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
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[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
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[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
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[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
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[1] => albumTrackList
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[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[bool] => BOOL
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[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
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[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumID] => 373271
[10b543099b2a4cfaa222e761e1c94ec7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumID] => 373271
[bcbb9b2fb1af5317fde4e22f428f6244] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 373271
[0745dd727c955da453490a484a49bb85] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumID] => 373271
[766f4811699e95fffd5920b5eaf5b856] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumID] => 373271
[eaa890ceed52f12b59054c8190289040] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 373271
[9a26de240cee58cb597a0ebaa52ecc86] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[09b76733ede15d8ffcef7a4d4a4fc1d2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
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[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[bool] => BOOL
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[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[float] => FLOAT
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[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
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[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
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[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
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[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
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[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[value] => *:.
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Search Artist
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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[value] => search
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
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[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[373271] => gs_record Object
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[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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['yes'] => 'yes'
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[type] => input
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
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[index] => true
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[0] => dummyValid
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[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumID] => 373271
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[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
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[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
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[albumViews] => 5
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[1] => 02. Steélé
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[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[373271] => gs_record Object
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[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 373271
[2] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[value] => =
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[value] => *:.
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[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[bool] => BOOL
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[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumVotePoints
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumChecked] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[float] => FLOAT
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[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
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[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
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[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[nocache] =>
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[an] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 373271
[nocache] =>
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[n] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
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[albumID] => 373271
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[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
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[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[bool] => BOOL
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[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumID] => 373271
[10b543099b2a4cfaa222e761e1c94ec7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumID] => 373271
[bcbb9b2fb1af5317fde4e22f428f6244] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 373271
[0745dd727c955da453490a484a49bb85] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumID] => 373271
[766f4811699e95fffd5920b5eaf5b856] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumID] => 373271
[eaa890ceed52f12b59054c8190289040] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 373271
[9a26de240cee58cb597a0ebaa52ecc86] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[09b76733ede15d8ffcef7a4d4a4fc1d2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
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[albumViews] => 5
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
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[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[User] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[albums_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[r] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => registry Object
[rs_reg:registry:private] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => rs_registry Object
[no_urlkey] => 1
[sortkey] => 0
[no_ctime] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => j5vOxN
[index_field_name] => id
[fields] => Array
[0] => id
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => flacit
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #133
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #160
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1988609173
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.002202033996582
[total_queries] => 5
[total_rows] => 0
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `Album_id` = 373271 AND `User_id` = ''
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[ac04273ddfc09ff1348afb46c7cb7597] => Array
[610d253fb74ce627e09f1d1a8df10c74] => Array
[d2b1882ce22f6af15fbcd93ef76e92ad] => Array
[66ab03b6618df26271f7a05b456ba983] => Array
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018 */ SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 373271 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => mysql
[id_field_name] => id
[db_tablename] => rs_registry
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => serial
[type] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[name] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[key] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => int
[default] => 0
[_ctime] => Array
[type] => date
[_mtime] => Array
[type] => date
[recordsets] => Array
[Objects] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[htmlforms] => Array
[type] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] => 1
[index] => true
[verbose_name] => type
[validate] => notEmpty
[options] => Array
[session] => session
[record] => record
[name] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => name
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[key] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => key
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[Objects_hash] => Array
[type] => hidden
[widget] => private
[validate] => dummyValid
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => fInt
[hidden] => true
[Objects] => Array
[type] => lMany2One
[linkname] => Objects
[hidden] => 1
[widget] =>
[verbose_name] => Objects
[validate] => dummyValid
[nulloption] =>
[options] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[type] => type
[name] => name
[key] => key
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[init_fields] => Array
[type] => fSelect options="session,record" required=true index=true
[name] => fString options="32" required=false index=true
[key] => fString options="32" required=true index=true
[Objects] => lMany2One rs_registry_objects:Registry required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry
[table_name] => rs_registry
[gs_connector_id] => mysql
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => j5vOxN
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => j5vOxN
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 3
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart_sum] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 0
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[q] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[k] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[a] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Callum Henshaw
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 373271
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[0] => isLength
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[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[albumSubmitDate] => Array
[type] => datetime
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumSubmitDate
[validate] => isDate
[albumComments] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
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[index] =>
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[albumCommentsDate] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumCommentsDate
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumViews] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumDownloads] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumRank] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumRank
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVoteCount] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => isNumber
[albumVotePoints] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumVotes] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => notEmpty
[albumVoteUsers] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumStoreSubdir] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
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[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
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[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373272] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
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[key] => 373272
[balance] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => $0.00
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[br] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => hideOnAllflac
[value] => 0
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[value] => 373271
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumMediaType
[2] => albumZipFilename
[3] => albumPerformer
[4] => albumTitle
[5] => albumDate
[6] => albumGenre
[7] => albumTime
[8] => albumCodec
[9] => albumBitrate
[10] => albumUserID
[11] => albumFileSize
[12] => albumViews
[13] => albumRank
[14] => albumCheckedTxt
[15] => albumTrackList
[16] => albumZipContent
[17] => albumAdditionalInfo
[18] => albumLogText
[19] => albumChecked
[20] => bitrate24Bit
[21] => albumMP3FileList
[22] => flacImg
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumID] => 373271
[10b543099b2a4cfaa222e761e1c94ec7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumID] => 373271
[bcbb9b2fb1af5317fde4e22f428f6244] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 373271
[0745dd727c955da453490a484a49bb85] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumID] => 373271
[766f4811699e95fffd5920b5eaf5b856] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumID] => 373271
[eaa890ceed52f12b59054c8190289040] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 373271
[9a26de240cee58cb597a0ebaa52ecc86] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[09b76733ede15d8ffcef7a4d4a4fc1d2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
[albumLogText] =>
[albumChecked] => yes
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
[albumLogText] =>
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3FileList] =>
[flacImg] => 0
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[nocache] =>
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[j] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 14
[nocache] =>
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[p] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[nocache] =>
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[value] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
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[value] => Array
[0] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
[1] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
[2] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
[3] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
[4] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
[5] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
[6] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
[7] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
[8] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
[9] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
[10] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
[11] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
[12] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
[13] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
[14] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
[15] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
[16] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[nocache] =>
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[late_load_fields] => Array
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[field] => albumHidden
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[2] => Array
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[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Callum Henshaw
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[type] => value
[field] => albumID
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[value] => 16
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[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
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[_sql:protected] =>
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[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
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[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
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[albumID] => 373271
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[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
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[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373272] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
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[value] =>
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[blocks:protected] =>
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[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => get/related/artists
[gspgid_v] =>
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] =>
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[] =>
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => get
[1] => related
[2] => artists
[gspgid_root] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[handler_key_root] => album
[gspgid_handler] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_handler_va] => Array
[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[handler_params] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => Callum Henshaw
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[params:protected] => Array
[return] => true
[module_name] => module_radio
[tpl_dir] => /home/adamsfile/
[subdir] => /radio/
[www_subdir] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
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[value] => Array
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[nocache] =>
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[root_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /home/adamsfile/
[nocache] =>
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[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
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[subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[www_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsdata] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 373271
[2] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
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[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[albumChecked] => albumChecked
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[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
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[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
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[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
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[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
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[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
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[albumChannels] => 2
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[albumFrequency] => 44100
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[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
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[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
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[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
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[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
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[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
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[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
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[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
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[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumID] => 373271
[10b543099b2a4cfaa222e761e1c94ec7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumID] => 373271
[bcbb9b2fb1af5317fde4e22f428f6244] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 373271
[0745dd727c955da453490a484a49bb85] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumID] => 373271
[766f4811699e95fffd5920b5eaf5b856] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumID] => 373271
[eaa890ceed52f12b59054c8190289040] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 373271
[9a26de240cee58cb597a0ebaa52ecc86] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[09b76733ede15d8ffcef7a4d4a4fc1d2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
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[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
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[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[2] => albumPerformer
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[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[bool] => BOOL
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[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[type] => Select
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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['no'] => 'no'
['yes'] => 'yes'
['failed'] => 'failed'
['deleted'] => 'deleted'
['replace'] => 'replace'
['oncheck'] => 'oncheck'
[albumModeratorComment] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorComment
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorID] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorID
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumModeratorLogin] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumModeratorLogin
[options] => 255
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Status
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Filename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMP3Filename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumM4AFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumM4AFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => bitrate24Bit
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumFrequency
[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
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[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
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[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
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[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => flacImg
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
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[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
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[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
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[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[nocache] =>
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[value] => =
[nocache] =>
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[value] => *:.
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[nocache] =>
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[value] =>
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
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[albumDate] => 2018
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[_que] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
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[parent_record] =>
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[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
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[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
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[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
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[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[multilang] =>
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[type] => text
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[options] => 255
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[options] => 255
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[multilang] =>
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[hidden] =>
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['yes'] => 'yes'
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
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[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
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[readonly] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
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[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[373271] => gs_record Object
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[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
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[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[_que] =>
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[albumSource] => albumSource
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[parent_record] =>
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[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
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[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
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[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
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[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
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[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
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[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
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[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[value] => *:.
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[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[0] => album
[1] => 373271
[2] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[gspgid_v] => 373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[2] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
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[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[total_queries] => 30
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[bool] => BOOL
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[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
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[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
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[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[index] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumMediaType] => Array
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[verbose_name] => albumMediaType
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
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[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
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[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
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[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMtime
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
[verbose_name] => albumChannels
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFrequency] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373271] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
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[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
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[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
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[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
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[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
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[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
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[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
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[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
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[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
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[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
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[gmessages] => Array
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[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
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[albumID] => 373271
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[index_field_name] => albumID
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[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
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[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
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[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
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[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[enum] => ENUM {v}
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[bool] => BOOL
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[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
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[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
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[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumID] => 373271
[10b543099b2a4cfaa222e761e1c94ec7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumID] => 373271
[bcbb9b2fb1af5317fde4e22f428f6244] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 373271
[0745dd727c955da453490a484a49bb85] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumID] => 373271
[766f4811699e95fffd5920b5eaf5b856] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumID] => 373271
[eaa890ceed52f12b59054c8190289040] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 373271
[9a26de240cee58cb597a0ebaa52ecc86] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[09b76733ede15d8ffcef7a4d4a4fc1d2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
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[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
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[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
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[albumType] => Album
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[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
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[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
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[albumType] => Album
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[albumChannels] => 2
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[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
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[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
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[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
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[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
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[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
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[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
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[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
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[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
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[albumFLACFilename] =>
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[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
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[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
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[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
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[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
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[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumID] => 373271
[10b543099b2a4cfaa222e761e1c94ec7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumID] => 373271
[bcbb9b2fb1af5317fde4e22f428f6244] => Array
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[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 373271
[0745dd727c955da453490a484a49bb85] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumID] => 373271
[766f4811699e95fffd5920b5eaf5b856] => Array
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[albumID] => 373271
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[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 373271
[9a26de240cee58cb597a0ebaa52ecc86] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[09b76733ede15d8ffcef7a4d4a4fc1d2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumTracks] => Array
[0] => 01. Un Sueño en la Floresta
[1] => 02. Steélé
[2] => 03. Steélé II. Dervish
[3] => 04. Steélé III. Bronze Apollo
[4] => 05. Steélé IV. Web
[5] => 06. Canço del Lladre
[6] => 07. El Mestre
[7] => 08. L'Hereu Riera
[8] => 09. El Noi de la Mare
[9] => 10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings
[10] => 11. Sonata del Decamerón Negro I. Güijes y Gnomos
[11] => 12. Sonata del Decamerón Negro II. Treno por Oyá
[12] => 13. Sonata del Decamerón Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
[13] => 14. Sonata del Decamerón Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
[14] => 15. Niel Gow's Lament
[albumTracks2] =>
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumType] => Album
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumChannels] => 2
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumFrequency] => 44100
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumMP3Status] => error
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 2
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[User] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[albums_limit] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 64
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[r] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => registry Object
[rs_reg:registry:private] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => rs_registry Object
[no_urlkey] => 1
[sortkey] => 0
[no_ctime] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => j5vOxN
[index_field_name] => id
[fields] => Array
[0] => id
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => flacit
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #133
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #160
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 1988609173
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.002202033996582
[total_queries] => 5
[total_rows] => 0
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `Album_id` = 373271 AND `User_id` = ''
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
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[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[ac04273ddfc09ff1348afb46c7cb7597] => Array
[610d253fb74ce627e09f1d1a8df10c74] => Array
[d2b1882ce22f6af15fbcd93ef76e92ad] => Array
[66ab03b6618df26271f7a05b456ba983] => Array
[_que] =>
[query] => /* /album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018 */ SELECT `User_id`,`Album_id`,`id` FROM `Downloads` WHERE `Album_id` = 373271 AND `User_id` = '' ORDER BY id
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => mysql
[id_field_name] => id
[db_tablename] => rs_registry
[db_scheme] =>
[structure] => Array
[fields] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => serial
[type] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[name] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
[key] => Array
[type] => varchar
[options] => 255
[multilang] =>
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[type] => int
[default] => 0
[_ctime] => Array
[type] => date
[_mtime] => Array
[type] => date
[recordsets] => Array
[Objects] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[htmlforms] => Array
[type] => Array
[type] => Select
[hidden] => 1
[index] => true
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[validate] => notEmpty
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[session] => session
[record] => record
[name] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
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[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => name
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[key] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] => true
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => key
[options] => 32
[validate] => Array
[0] => isLength
[validate_params] => Array
[min] => 1
[max] => 255
[Objects_hash] => Array
[type] => hidden
[widget] => private
[validate] => dummyValid
[_Objects_count] => Array
[type] => fInt
[hidden] => true
[Objects] => Array
[type] => lMany2One
[linkname] => Objects
[hidden] => 1
[widget] =>
[verbose_name] => Objects
[validate] => dummyValid
[nulloption] =>
[options] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry_objects
[local_field_name] => id
[foreign_field_name] => Registry_id
[type] => many
[mode] =>
[counter_fieldname] => _Objects_count
[counter_linkname] => Registry
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[type] => type
[name] => name
[key] => key
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[0] => gs_record Object
[init_fields] => Array
[type] => fSelect options="session,record" required=true index=true
[name] => fString options="32" required=false index=true
[key] => fString options="32" required=true index=true
[Objects] => lMany2One rs_registry_objects:Registry required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => rs_registry
[table_name] => rs_registry
[gs_connector_id] => mysql
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => j5vOxN
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[type] => session
[key] => j5vOxN
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 3
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_null Object
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[cart_sum] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => 0
[nocache] =>
[scope] =>
[q] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[k] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[a] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumPerformer
[value] => Callum Henshaw
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[case] => !=
[value] => 373271
[4] => Array
[type] => limit
[value] => 16
[5] => Array
[type] => offset
[value] => 0
[orderby] => Array
[type] => orderby
[value] => albumType,albumDate desc
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumZipFilename
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[5] => albumType
[6] => bitrate24Bit
[7] => albumMP3Status
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
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2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
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[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumCheckedTxt] => Array
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[hidden] =>
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[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMP3Status] => Array
[type] => input
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[0] => dummyValid
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[index] =>
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[options] =>
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[0] => dummyValid
[albumType] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] =>
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumType
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[bitrate24Bit] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumHidden] => Array
[type] => checkbox
[hidden] => 1
[verbose_name] => albumHidden
[index] => true
[validate] => dummyValid
[albumFLACFilename] => Array
[type] => input
[hidden] => 1
[readonly] =>
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[verbose_name] => albumFLACFilename
[options] =>
[validate] => Array
[0] => dummyValid
[albumMP3FileList] => Array
[type] => text
[hidden] =>
[verbose_name] => albumMP3FileList
[index] =>
[keywords] => 0
[validate] => dummyValid
[flacImg] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumMtime] => Array
[type] => timestamp
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[albumChannels] => Array
[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
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[type] => number
[hidden] =>
[index] =>
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[validate] => dummyValid
[fkeys] => Array
[indexes] => Array
[albumSource] => albumSource
[albumChecked] => albumChecked
[albumHidden] => albumHidden
[parent_record] =>
[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
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[373272] => gs_record Object
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
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[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
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[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
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[value] => $0.00
[nocache] =>
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[value] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
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[no_ctime] => 1
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[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumChecked
[value] => yes
[1] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumHidden
[value] => 0
[2] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => hideOnAllflac
[value] => 0
[3] => Array
[type] => value
[field] => albumID
[value] => 373271
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumID
[1] => albumMediaType
[2] => albumZipFilename
[3] => albumPerformer
[4] => albumTitle
[5] => albumDate
[6] => albumGenre
[7] => albumTime
[8] => albumCodec
[9] => albumBitrate
[10] => albumUserID
[11] => albumFileSize
[12] => albumViews
[13] => albumRank
[14] => albumCheckedTxt
[15] => albumTrackList
[16] => albumZipContent
[17] => albumAdditionalInfo
[18] => albumLogText
[19] => albumChecked
[20] => bitrate24Bit
[21] => albumMP3FileList
[22] => flacImg
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
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[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
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[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
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[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
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[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[6be64c0bdba36af218d0f590e777f794] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[b50dbb5227b05952cb47a7232e86d8a3] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[9cc8c26d7907bf3b6f294468488c9671] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumID] => 373271
[2b5fb7a37f47f2ac45d6ece2bba51647] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[00daa2b40ffcdf8b23e5ccca9dc56468] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumUserLogin] => fickoyanka
[albumID] => 373271
[f3ce71bef07e7c73881ef490fb614b04] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumID] => 373271
[fb645261d48f04e675000cb62ea48ab1] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumID] => 373271
[10b543099b2a4cfaa222e761e1c94ec7] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumID] => 373271
[bcbb9b2fb1af5317fde4e22f428f6244] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 373271
[0745dd727c955da453490a484a49bb85] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumID] => 373271
[766f4811699e95fffd5920b5eaf5b856] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumID] => 373271
[eaa890ceed52f12b59054c8190289040] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumType] => Album
[albumID] => 373271
[9a26de240cee58cb597a0ebaa52ecc86] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[09b76733ede15d8ffcef7a4d4a4fc1d2] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
[albumLogText] =>
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[albumID] => 373271
[albumMediaType] => WEB
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams__Hi_Res_-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumGenre] => Classical Guitar
[albumTime] => 01:01:26
[albumCodec] => FLAC
[albumBitrate] => 1370
[albumUserID] => 4854
[albumFileSize] => 552.68
[albumViews] => 5
[albumRank] => 0
[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[0] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
[1] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
[2] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
[3] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
[4] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
[5] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
[6] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
[7] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
[8] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
[9] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
[10] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
[11] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
[12] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
[13] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
[14] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
[15] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
[16] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumID] => 373271
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[0] => Array
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumID] => 373271
[bcbb9b2fb1af5317fde4e22f428f6244] => Array
[0] => Array
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumID] => 373271
[0745dd727c955da453490a484a49bb85] => Array
[0] => Array
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[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
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[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
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[albumCheckedTxt] => Thu Mar 14 11:18:25 EDT 2019
test of /home/adamsfile/ OK
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
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Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
[albumAdditionalInfo] => Canberra-born classical guitarist Callum Henshaw is considered one of Australia's leading young players. He has had success in a number of major national and international competitions, including First Prize Winner at the 2012 Cordoba International Guitar Competition, the 2014 Tirana International Guitar Competition, and the 2015 Friends of the ANU School of Music Chamber Music Competition (with Andrew Blanch); Best Performance of an Australian Work at the 2013 Melbourne Guitar Competition; and Third Prize at the 2014 Adelaide International Guitar Competition. He also won the First Prize and the People's Choice Prize at the 2016 open instrumental Whitworth Roach Classical Music Competition. Most recently, Cal placed first in the 2017 Melbourne International Concert Artist Guitar Competition, securing a 10 concert tour in 2018.
Cal began the guitar at the age of six, studying with a number of Canberra's leading teachers, including Minh Le Hoang, and completed his honours degree with First Class Honours at the ANU's School of Music under world-renowned guitar performer and teacher, Timothy Kain. He is currently completing his doctorate in music at the ANU.
In 2012, Cal released his first commercial recording and in 2016 released the critically acclaimed, Echo & Return, which includes the world premiere recording, 'Bleed-through', by Australian composer, Samuel Smith.
In both Europe and Australia, Cal has taken part in master classes with many of the world’s great guitarists, including Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel, Sergio Assad, Judicaël Perroy, Aniello Desiderio, and Ricardo Gallén.
Cal performs on a Greg Smallman & Sons classical guitar and is proudly sponsored by Knobloch Strings.
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[albumZipContent] => Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/ - 0.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/01. Un Sueno en la Floresta.flac - 72.56
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/02. Steele.flac - 39.00
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/03. Steele II. Dervish.flac - 20.36
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/04. Steele III. Bronze Apollo.flac - 40.50
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/05. Steele IV. Web.flac - 22.60
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/06. Canco del Lladre.flac - 18.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/07. El Mestre.flac - 35.66
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/08. L'Hereu Riera.flac - 14.42
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/09. El Noi de la Mare.flac - 18.97
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/10. A Closed World of Fine Feelings.flac - 57.31
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/11. Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos.flac - 46.61
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/12. Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya.flac - 51.09
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/13. Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire.flac - 37.37
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/14. Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots.flac - 51.75
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/15. Niel Gow's Lament.flac - 25.85
Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi-Res]/folder.jpg - 0.25
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[handler_cache_status:protected] => 1
[array] => Array
[373272] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[modified_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[albumID] => 373272
[albumZipFilename] => Callum_Henshaw/2018-Forest_Of_Dreams/Callum_Henshaw-Forest_Of_Dreams-2018-(FLAC).zip
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumType] => Album
[bitrate24Bit] => 0
[albumMP3Status] =>
[old_values:gs_record:private] => Array
[recordstate] => 0
[recordsets_array:gs_record:private] => Array
[messages] => Array
[gmessages] => Array
[gs_connector_id:gs_recordset_base:private] => adamsfile
[init_fields] => Array
[albumID] => serial required=true
[albumUserID] => fInt verbose_name="albumUserID" required=true
[albumPerformer] => fString verbose_name="albumPerformer" options="256" required=true
[albumTitle] => fString verbose_name="albumTitle" options="1024" required=true
[albumDate] => fString verbose_name="albumDate" options="32" required=true
[albumGenre] => fString verbose_name="albumGenre" options="64" required=true
[albumTime] => fString verbose_name="albumTime" options="32" required=true
[albumCodec] => fString verbose_name="albumCodec" options="32" required=true
[albumBitrate] => fString verbose_name="albumBitrate" options="32" required=true
[albumFileSize] => fString verbose_name="albumFileSize" options="32" required=true
[albumTrackList] => fText verbose_name="albumTrackList" required=true
[albumSource] => fSelect verbose_name="albumSource" default="unknown" options="'unknown','internet','rip','masterrip'" required=true
[albumAdditionalInfo] => fText verbose_name="albumAdditionalInfo" required=false
[albumLogText] => fText verbose_name="albumLogText" required=false
[albumZipContent] => fText verbose_name="albumZipContent" required=true
[albumCoverImage] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImage" options="1024" required=true
[albumCoverImageSmall] => fString verbose_name="albumCoverImageSmall" options="1024" required=true
[albumZipFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumZipFilename" options="1024" required=true
[albumUserLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumUserLogin" options="255" required=true
[albumSubmitDate] => fDateTime verbose_name="albumSubmitDate" required=true
[albumComments] => fText verbose_name="albumComments" required=true
[albumCommentsCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumCommentsCount" required=true
[albumCommentsDate] => fString verbose_name="albumCommentsDate" options="32" required=false
[albumViews] => fInt verbose_name="albumViews" required=true
[albumDownloads] => fInt verbose_name="albumDownloads" required=true
[albumRank] => fFloat verbose_name="albumRank" required=false
[albumVoteCount] => fInt verbose_name="albumVoteCount" required=true
[albumVotePoints] => fInt verbose_name="albumVotePoints" required=false
[albumVotes] => fText verbose_name="albumVotes" required=true
[albumVoteUsers] => fText verbose_name="albumVoteUsers" required=false
[albumStoreSubdir] => fString verbose_name="albumStoreSubdir" options="128" required=false
[albumChecked] => fSelect verbose_name="albumChecked" options="'no','yes','failed','deleted','replace','oncheck'" required=false
[albumModeratorComment] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorComment" options="255" required=false
[albumModeratorID] => fInt verbose_name="albumModeratorID" required=false
[albumModeratorLogin] => fString verbose_name="albumModeratorLogin" options="255" required=false
[albumCheckedTxt] => fText verbose_name="albumCheckedTxt" required=false
[albumMP3Status] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Status" required=false
[albumMP3Filename] => fString verbose_name="albumMP3Filename" required=false
[albumM4AFilename] => fString verbose_name="albumM4AFilename" required=false
[albumMediaType] => fString verbose_name="albumMediaType" required=false
[albumType] => fString verbose_name="albumType" required=false
[bitrate24Bit] => fInt verbose_name="bitrate24Bit" required=false
[albumHidden] => fCheckbox required=false index=true
[albumFLACFilename] => fString required=false
[albumMP3FileList] => fText verbose_name="albumMP3FileList" required=false
[flacImg] => fInt verbose_name="flacImg" required=false
[albumMtime] => fTimestamp verbose_name="albumMtime" required=false
[albumChannels] => fInt verbose_name="albumChannels" required=false
[albumFrequency] => fInt verbose_name="albumFrequency" required=false
[init_opts] => Array
[recordset] => Albums
[table_name] => Albums
[nocache] =>
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[parent] =>
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[4c31e9abb298e2d7e13ba7ff99128d1bda4dab98] => Array
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[force_cache] =>
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[right_delimiter] => }
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[0] => file
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[default_config_type] => file
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[4c31e9abb298e2d7e13ba7ff99128d1bda4dab98] => Smarty_Internal_Template Object
[cache_modified_check] =>
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[plugin_search_order] => Array
[0] => function
[1] => block
[2] => compiler
[3] => class
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[registered_resources] => Array
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[error_unassigned] =>
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[0] => /home/adamsfile/
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[default_template_handler_func] =>
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[0] => /home/adamsfile/
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[force_compile] =>
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[compile_locking] => 1
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[compile_error] =>
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[cache_lifetime] => 3600
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[right_delimiter] => }
[security_class] => Smarty_Security
[security_policy] =>
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[allow_php_tag] =>
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[smarty_debug_id] => SMARTY_DEBUG
[debug_tpl] => file:/home/adamsfile/
[config_overwrite] => 1
[config_booleanize] => 1
[config_read_hidden] =>
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[value] => /
[nocache] =>
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[http_host] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] =>
[nocache] =>
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[tpl] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => site_handler Object
[blocks:protected] =>
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[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => get/related/artists
[gspgid_v] =>
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] =>
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[] =>
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => get
[1] => related
[2] => artists
[gspgid_root] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[handler_key_root] => album
[gspgid_handler] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_handler_va] => Array
[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[handler_params] => Array
[gspgid] => get/related/artists
[artist] => Callum Henshaw
[_tpl] => artist_related.html
[__tpl] => album_related.html
[params:protected] => Array
[return] => true
[module_name] => module_radio
[tpl_dir] => /home/adamsfile/
[subdir] => /radio/
[www_subdir] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
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[value] => Array
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[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[root_dir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /home/adamsfile/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_module_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[www_subdir] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => /radio/
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsdata] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[gspgid] => album/373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgtype] => get
[handler_key] => album
[gspgid_v] => 373271/Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_va] => Array
[0] => 373271
[1] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_vp] => Array
[373271] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[gspgid_a] => Array
[0] => album
[1] => 373271
[2] => Callum_Henshaw_Forest_Of_Dreams_%5BHi-Res%5D_2018
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsparams] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[name] => album_cols.html
[module_name] => module_Albums
[nocache] =>
[scope] => 0
[_gsstack] => Smarty_Variable Object
[value] => Array
[last] => gs_record Object
[gs_recordset:gs_record:private] => Albums Object
[id_field_name] => albumID
[no_urlkey] => 1
[no_ctime] => 1
[gs_connector_id] => adamsfile
[sortkey] => 0
[state] => 4
[query_options] => Array
[late_load_fields] => Array
[options] => Array
[albumID] => 373271
[albumHidden] => 0
[hideOnAllflac] => 0
[index_field_name] => albumID
[fields] => Array
[0] => albumFLACFilename
[1] => albumTrackList
[2] => albumPerformer
[3] => albumTitle
[4] => albumDate
[gs_recordset_classname:gs_recordset_base:private] =>
[gs_connector:gs_recordset_base:private] => gs_dbdriver_mysql Object
[cinfo:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[db_type] => mysql
[db_hostname] => mysql
[db_port] => 3306
[db_username] => adamsfile
[db_password] => 05011979
[db_database] => adamsfile
[codepage] => utf8
[db_connection:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #89
[_res:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Resource id #171
[_id:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => 52179677
[stats:gs_dbdriver_mysql:private] => Array
[total_time] => 0.009357213973999
[total_queries] => 30
[total_rows] => 29
[_sql:protected] =>
[_where:protected] => `albumChecked` = 'yes' AND `albumHidden` = 0 AND `albumPerformer` = 'Callum Henshaw' AND `albumID` != 373271
[_escape_case:protected] => Array
[IS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` IS NULL
[STRING] => `{f}` IS NULL
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IS NULL
[=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` = {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` = {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` = {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` IN {v}
[!=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` != {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` != {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` != {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[ARRAY] => `{f}` NOT IN {v}
[>] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` > {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` > {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` > {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[>=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` >= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` >= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[<] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` < {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` < {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` < {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL}
[<=] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}` <= {v}
[STRING] => `{f}` <= {v}
[NULL] => `{f}` IS NOT NULL
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}'
[LIKE] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}%%'
[STARTS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '{v}%%'
[ENDS] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` LIKE '%%{v}'
[FULLTEXT] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => MATCH ({f}) AGAINST ({v})>1
[REGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` REGEXP {v}
[NOTREGEXP] => Array
[FLOAT] => `{f}`={v}
[NUMERIC] => `{f}`={v}
[STRING] => `{f}` NOT REGEXP {v}
[BETWEEN] => Array
[ARRAY] => (`{f}` BETWEEN {v0} AND {v1})
[_index_types] => Array
[key] =>
[unique] => UNIQUE
[fulltext] => FULLTEXT
[_field_types] => Array
[int] => INT
[bigint] => BIGINT
[tinyint] => TINYINT
[float] => FLOAT
[date] => DATETIME
[timestamp] => TIMESTAMP
[varchar] => VARCHAR ({v})
[text] => LONGTEXT
[set] => SET {v}
[enum] => ENUM {v}
[blob] => BLOB
[longblob] => LONGBLOB
[bool] => BOOL
[_cache] => Array
[d3f80932356153bda284a3fd3136f3cc] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumFLACFilename] =>
[albumTrackList] => 1. (00:07:48) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Un Sueno en la Floresta
2. (00:04:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele
3. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele II. Dervish
4. (00:04:44) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele III. Bronze Apollo
5. (00:02:20) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Steele IV. Web
6. (00:02:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Canco del Lladre
7. (00:04:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Mestre
8. (00:01:28) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - L'Hereu Riera
9. (00:02:08) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - El Noi de la Mare
10. (00:06:33) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - A Closed World of Fine Feelings
11. (00:05:06) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro I. Guijes y Gnomos
12. (00:05:47) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro II. Treno por Oya
13. (00:04:04) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro III. Burlesca del Aire
14. (00:05:43) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Sonata del Decameron Negro IV. La Risa de los Griots
15. (00:02:57) Callum Henshaw - Forest of Dreams (2018) [Hi - Niel Gow's Lament
[albumPerformer] => Callum Henshaw
[albumTitle] => Forest Of Dreams [Hi-Res]
[albumDate] => 2018
[albumID] => 373271
[76f5bd77aeac4f62ec7d18cbbbe742e9] => Array
[0] => Array
[albumStoreSubdir] => /12TB04/
[albumID] => 373271
[b144bf99963a231b6ae13ca41f70afdb] => Array
[0] =>