Dreamin' '1997Download FLAC $4.95Play List
Other albums
Dreamin' '1997
Baby Break It Up! ~Fortunati's 5th~ '1995
Baby Break It Up! '1995
Remix It Up! '1995
The Best Of Michael Fortunati (hyper Non Stop Mix) '1995
Remix It Up! '1995
Big Bang (Fortunati's 4th) '1991
The World Remixes '1990
The World Remixes '1990
Fire (Fortunati's 3rd) '1989
Fire (Fortunati's 3rd) '1989
Alleluia ~Fortunati's 2nd~ '1988
Alleluia (Fortunati's 2nd) '1988
Give Me Up ~Fortunati's 1st~ '1987
Give Me Up '1987
Give Me Up (fortunati's 1st) '1987