Road Food & #10
GenreClassic Rock
Related artists
CountrySACD, CDSML 8538, RM, US
Format DVD-Audio /.ISO image
Size 3823.56 Mb

Road Food & #10 '2018 [SACD]

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Track list

01. (00:02:39) The Guess Who - Star Baby
02. (00:04:53) The Guess Who - Attilas Blues
03. (00:02:25) The Guess Who - Straighten Out
04. (00:02:21) The Guess Who - Dont You Want Me
05. (00:05:27) The Guess Who - One Way Road to Hell
06. (00:04:15) The Guess Who - Clap for the Wolfman
07. (00:03:18) The Guess Who - Pleasin for Reason
08. (00:03:39) The Guess Who - Road Food
09. (00:07:19) The Guess Who - Ballad of the Last Five Years
10. (00:04:04) The Guess Who - Take it Off My Shoulders
11. (00:03:57) The Guess Who - Musicione
12. (00:04:28) The Guess Who - Miss Frizzy
13. (00:05:21) The Guess Who - Glamour Boy
14. (00:04:21) The Guess Who - Self Pity
15. (00:04:43) The Guess Who - Lie Down
16. (00:03:26) The Guess Who - Cardboard Empire
17. (00:06:16) The Guess Who - Just Let Me Sing

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