GenreHard Rock
Related artists
CountryDVDA, 288208-9, US
Format DVD-Audio /.ISO image
MediaDVD Audio
Size 3986.26 Mb

Tribe '2003

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Track list

01. (00:04:31) Queensryche - Open
02. (00:04:12) Queensryche - Losing Myself
03. (00:03:56) Queensryche - Desert Dance
04. (00:04:28) Queensryche - Falling Behind
05. (00:04:00) Queensryche - The Great Divide
06. (00:03:30) Queensryche - Rhythm of Hope
07. (00:04:40) Queensryche - Tribe
08. (00:04:17) Queensryche - Blood
09. (00:04:16) Queensryche - The Art of Life
10. (00:03:53) Queensryche - Doin' Fine

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