Brisbane, Australia, February 16, 2017 (US)
GenreHeartland Rock
Related artists
Format FLAC Stereo 1782 Kbps /
48 kHz
Size 2262.07 Mb

Brisbane, Australia, February 16, 2017 (US) '2017

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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
1. 01. New York City Serenade
1. 02. Working On A Dream
1. 03. Roll Of The Dice
1. 04. Jole Blon
1. 05. Long Time Comin'
1. 06. Growin' Up
1. 07. Out In The Street
1. 08. No Surrender
1. 09. Hungry Heart
1. 10. Mary's Place
1. 11. Fire
1. 12. Follow That Dream
2. 01. The River
2. 02. American Skin
2. 03. The Promised Land
2. 04. Downbound Train
2. 05. I'm On Fire
2. 06. Because The Night
2. 07. She's The One
2. 08. Badlands
2. 09. Rosalita
3. 01. Jungleland
3. 02. Born To Run
3. 03. Dancing In The Dark
3. 04. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
3. 05. Shout
3. 06. Thunder Road

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