1992 - A Wish Comes True/ - 0.00
1992 - A Wish Comes True/awct_back.jpg - 0.03
1992 - A Wish Comes True/awct_front.jpg - 0.02
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/ - 0.00
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/04 - Lullaby.flac - 24.34
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/05 - From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea.flac - 46.52
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/09 - Friday I'm In Love.flac - 20.62
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/06 - Just Like Heaven.flac - 21.95
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/Wish1.log - 0.01
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/13 - Doing The Unstuck.flac - 25.15
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/10 - In Between Days.flac - 17.80
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/02 - High.flac - 21.65
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/08 - A Night Like This.flac - 29.55
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/03 - Pictures Of You.flac - 43.90
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/12 - Let's Go To Bed.flac - 25.58
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/Wish1.cue - 0.00
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/07 - Apart.flac - 32.84
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/01 - Open.flac - 45.62
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD1/11 - The Walk.flac - 20.30
1992 - A Wish Comes True/awct_cd1.jpg - 0.02
1992 - A Wish Comes True/awct_cd2.jpg - 0.02
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/ - 0.00
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/06 - A Forest.flac - 87.99
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/01 - Fascination Street.flac - 27.20
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/Wish2.log - 0.00
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/08 - In Your House.flac - 28.24
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/11 - Forever.flac - 59.48
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/04 - End.flac - 45.45
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/05 - A Strange Day.flac - 21.26
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/10 - Boys Don't Cry.flac - 15.57
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/09 - Primary.flac - 24.42
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/07 - To Wish Impossible Things.flac - 24.78
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/Wish2.cue - 0.00
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/03 - Cut.flac - 32.31
1992 - A Wish Comes True/CD2/02 - Never Enough.flac - 26.44
1992 - A Wish Comes True/awct_infront.jpg - 0.02