Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System - 1994 - 59'28''/ - 0.00
Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System - 1994 - 59'28''/Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System.flac.auCDtect.txt - 0.00
Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System - 1994 - 59'28''/front.jpg - 0.37
Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System - 1994 - 59'28''/The Heatin' System.txt - 0.00
Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System - 1994 - 59'28''/Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System.flac - 386.98
Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System - 1994 - 59'28''/Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System.log - 0.01
Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System - 1994 - 59'28''/covers/ - 0.00
Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System - 1994 - 59'28''/covers/3.jpg - 6.85
Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System - 1994 - 59'28''/covers/1.jpg - 25.49
Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System - 1994 - 59'28''/covers/2.jpg - 10.35
Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System - 1994 - 59'28''/Folder.auCDtect.txt - 0.00
Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System - 1994 - 59'28''/Jack McDuff - The Heatin' System.cue - 0.00