Michel Petrucciani '1981Download FLAC $1.95Play List
Other albums
1991 'Date With Time
Jazz Club Montmartre - CPH 1988 '2024
Solo in Denmark '2022
Colors '2019
This Is Michel Petrucciani: The Blue Note And Owl Years '2014
So What: The Best Of '2004
Conversations With Michel '2000
A Michel ... La Musica Piu' Bella Di Michel Petrucciani (limited Edition) '1999
A Michel-La Musica Piu Bella Di Michel '1999
A Michel - La Musica Piu Bella Di Michel Petrucciani '1999
The Michel Petrucciani Collection '1999
Solo Live '1998
Au Theatre Des Champs-elysees Cd1 '1997
Both Worlds '1997
Trio In Tokyo '1997
Flamingo '1995