Great Western Themes (Carl Davis)
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Country2005, SACD, 222911-203, DE
Format DVD-Audio /.ISO image
Size 2246.95 Mb

Great Western Themes (Carl Davis) '2001 [SACD]

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Track list

01. (00:03:08) The big country
02. (00:03:17) High noon
03. (00:01:59) Bonanza
04. (00:02:30) The good, the bad and the ugly
05. (00:04:18) The magnificent seven
06. (00:05:14) Once upon a time in the west
07. (00:02:31) Blazing saddles
08. (00:03:06) For a few dollars more
09. (00:03:36) A fistful of dollars
10. (00:02:16) Rawhide
11. (00:04:07) The green leaves of summer
12. (00:02:44) Gunfight at the O.K. Corral

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